Chapter 13: Harrison

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 We walked down the corridor with Harrison in custody. He was surrounded by armed security officers, but that doesn't mean he can't beat them to oblivion. Thankfully he had incredibly large handcuffs on, but I wouldn't put it past him to try.

 Kirk flipped his communicator open. "Bones, meet me in the brig," he said.

 "Be right there," Bones said through the communicator.

 Kirk stopped and turned around to face us. We were covered with dirk from head to toe, cuts blotched out across our faces. "Lieutenant," Kirk said to Uhura, "Contact Starfleet, let them know we have Harrison in custody, and we'll be on our way once the warp core is repaired."

 "Yes, sir," Uhura replied.

 Kirk quickly walked away to get changed while Uhura turned around to face me. I glared at her while she gave me a smirk. I was aware of Spock's presence, so I got close enough so that only she could hear me. Or so I thought.

 "I do not want you around him anymore, do you understand?" I said between gritted teeth.

"Oh yeah, sure. Because I am pretty sure he would want to be around those," she said, nodding to my ears.

 I silently gasped and touched them with my hands. I pulled my hair down just enough that it covered them. She smiled and walked away.

 I turned around to see Spock looking at me curiously, as he had just overheard our conversation. I smiled and slowly walked up to him. I went up on my tiptoes and placed a kiss on his lips. He bent down and returned the kiss. I felt his hands reach up and move the hair away from my ears. He looked at them, then back down at my eyes, love gleaming in his chocolate brown orbs. I smiled at him once more and walked away. Little did I know that Spock was watching me the whole time.


 Kirk, Spock, Bones and I marched across the clearing to the cell.

 "Why the hell did he surrender?" Bones asked.

 "I don't know. But he just took out a squad of Klingons single-handedly. I want to know how," Kirk grumbled.

 "Sounds like we have a superman on board," Bones mumbled.

 "You tell me," Kirk replied.

 We walked up to the glass cell. Bones pulled a circular device in front of him, which made an opening on the glass. "Put your arm through the hole. I'm gonna take a blood sample," Bones said.

 Harrison cautiously put his arm through the hole. Bones placed the device on his arm and started taking the blood. Harrison looked at Kirk. "Why aren't we moving, Captain?" Harrison asked in a chilling voice. "An unexpected malfunction, perhaps in your warp core conveniently stranding you on the edge of Klingon space?"

 I narrowed my eyes at him. Kirk glared while Spock furrowed his eyebrows. Bones voiced the question we all were thinking. "How the hell do you know that?"

 "Bones," Kirk warned.

 Without looking away from Kirk, Harrison spoke again. "I think you'd find my insight valuable, Captain."

 Bones pulled the device away from his arm and roughly swished the circular hole to the side of the cell glass, closing it in the process.

 "We good?" Kirk asked.

 "Yeah," Bones mumbled.

 "Let me know what you find," Kirk said as we started walking away.

 "Ignore me and you will get everyone on this ship killed."

 We slowed down to a stop. Spock and I slowly turned to look at Harrison. Spock thought carefully before speaking.

 "Captain, I believe he will only try to manipulate you. I would not recommend engaging the prisoner further," Spock said as quietly as he could.

 "Give me a minute," Kirk growled.

 Spock looked down and walked off, I soon followed. But, curiosity got the best of me. I stopped just inside the doorway, watching Kirk and Harrison.

 Kirk was marching, quite fast, towards the cell glass. If I hadn't known any better, I would have sworn he would have busted his fist straight through it. But, he slowed to a stop in front of it. "Let me explain what's happening here," Kirk started, his voice rough. "You are a criminal. I watched you murder innocent men and women. I was authorized to end you! And the only reason why you are still alive is because I am allowing it. So shut. Your. Mouth."

 "Oh, Captain, are you going to punch me again over and over again till your arm weakens?" Harrison said in a low, almost purring, tone. "Clearly you want to, so tell me, why did you allow me to live?"

 "We all make mistakes," Kirk growled.

 "No, I surrendered to you because, despite your attempt to convince me otherwise, you seem to have a conscious, Mr. Kirk. If you did not, then it would not be possible to convince you of the truth. 23-17-46-11. Coordinates not far from Earth. If you want to know why I did what I did, go and take a look," Harrison said.

 "Give me one reason why I should listen you," Kirk challenged.

 "I can give you 72. And they're on board your ship, Captain. They have been all along. I suggest you open one up," Harrison said in a cool voice.

 I narrowed my eyes and ran out the door. Whatever was going on, I didn't like it. Not one bit.

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