Chapter 21: Spock Prime

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 We sat back and relaxed, knowing that Kirk and Khan were okay... for now.

 Suddenly, Uhura broke the peace. "Commander, I have that transmission as requested."

 "On screen, please," Spock said in a annoyed tone.

 "Stand by," Uhura murmured.

 I looked to the screen. The pixels started coming in, getting clearer and clearer. I widened my eyes to see an old, wise Vulcan looking back at us. "Mr. Spock," he greeted.

 "Mr. Spock," my Spock responded back.

 Spock Prime. My Spock told me once before about meeting him. He said that he was from the future and that Spock Prime had "implied" to Kirk that if Spock Prime and My Spock met, the universe would end. Pretty cliche, but it worked.

 "I will be brief," My Spock said. "In your travels, did you ever encounter a man named Khan"?

 Spock Prime's demeanor changed at the name. "As you know, I have made a vow never to give you information that could potentially alter your destiny. Your path is yours to walk, and yours alone."

 My Spock hung his head.

 "That being said, Khan Noonien Singh is the most dangerous adversary the Enterprise ever faced. He is brilliant, ruthless, and he will not hesitate to kill every single one of you," Spock Prime said.

 "Did you defeat him?" My Spock asked, curiosity in his voice as if he was a small child.

 "At great cost, yes." Spock Prime said in a grave tone.


 Spock Prime paused. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. "Khan stole a device called Genesis. This device could regenerate a dead planet for sustainable life. Khan wanted all matter related to Genesis to be terminated. So, therefore, he stole it. We fought him to get it back, but failed. He was wounded in the process, and our warp core was damaged to the point where we could not move. He informed us that he would activate Genesis, causing the whole nebula to be regenerated, including the Enterprise. Since we could not move, I did the only logical option at the time. I went into the warp core, repaired it, and gave the ship the power it needed to leave. We did so, but in the process I became heavily radiated," he said. He paused a moment. "The radiation was fatal. I slowly passed away, only to be reborn from the help of Genesis."

 We all stared at the screen, unsure of what to say.

 My Spock nodded slowly. "Thank you, Spock."

 "Live long and prosper," Spock Prime said, performing the hand signal.

 The transmission cut out and Spock stood up. He walked towards Uhura, getting really close to her. I narrowed my eyes as I listened. "Lieutenant, I need you to assemble all senior medical and engineering staff in the weapons bay."

 Uhura looked confused, but agreed anyways. "Alright."

 Spock turned around to Bones. "Dr. McCoy, you inadvertently activated a torpedo. Could you replicate the process?"

 "Why the hell would I want to do that?" Bones growled.

 "Can you or can you not?" Spock said, impatience growing in his voice.

 "Damn it, man, I'm a doctor, not a torpedo technician!" Bones exclaimed.

 "The fact that you are a doctor is precisely why I need you to listen very carefully."


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