Chapter 23: Going Down

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 Spock lifted his head when it hit him. He whirled around just as sirens started going off.

 "He's locking phasers on us, sir!" Sulu said.

 Just then, a sudden jolt knocked me right off of my feet. I hit the floor with a "slam". I yelped and shut my eyes tight. I felt a sharp pain in my right shoulder, but I kept the screams in. The jolts just kept coming. I couldn't stand up so I figured the safest thing would be just to lie their until it was safe again. If it would be safe again. At about 5 jolts in, I squinted my eyes. I could see Spock basically crawling over to me, unable to stand himself.

 "Penny!" He yelled. "Are you alright? Do you need Doctor McCoy?"

 "I-I think I dislocated my shoulder!" I yelled.

 I heard him mumble something in Vulcan, and he helped me sit up. He stumbled back to his chair and hit the comm. "Doctor McCoy, report to-"

 Then we heard it. Explosions. We all looked out the screen to see the enemy ship exploding into space.

 "Sir, their weapons have been knocked out," Mr. Sulu said with a smile. He turned in his seat. "Not bad, Commander."

 "Thank you, Lieutenant," Spock said. He stood up on his feet. He walked back over to me and helped me up. He helped me get to my seat and he walked back over to his. "Doctor McCoy repo-"

 Then the lights went out.

 -"Sir, the central power grid is failing!"

 "Switch to auxiliary power," Spock commanded.

 -"Auxiliary power failing, sir."

 I grabbed my shoulder. I made my decision. I would put it back in myself. So, I turned around in my chair and faced my control panel. I then grabbed the collar of my shirt and shoved it in my mouth. I closed my eyes and focused on my strength placing my left hand on my right shoulder. I pushed as hard as I could until I heard a "pop". My scream was muffled, thank goodness, but my gosh it hurt so bad. Tears flowed down my face, and I quickly reached up and wiped them away.

 "Commander, our ship's caught in Earth's gravity!" I heard Mr. Sulu say.

 "Can we stop?" Spock asked.

 "I can't do anything," Sulu said.

 Spock turned to a Lieutenant. "Lieutenant, sound evacuation, all decks."

- "Yes, sir."

 "As acting Captain, I order you to abandon this ship. I will remain behind and divert all power to life support and evacuation bays," Spock said while activating his security restraints.

 "Spock, NO! You can't do that!!!" I yelled.

 He turned to me. "I order you to abandon the ship!"

 "All do respect, Commander, but we aren't going anywhere," Sulu stated. He turned in his seat and hit a button, his security restraints flying over his shoulders. We all did the same.

 The ship started turning sideways. "Gravity systems are failing, hold on!" He yelled. He sharply turned to me. "Hold on!"

 I grasped my panel until my knuckles turned white. The ship was spinning out of control. We were going down. I closed my eyes, imaging that this was all a really bad dream. One that I wanted to wake up from. I wanted to wake up to see the beauty of space, not falling through it. I wanted to wake up and see Spock's loving gaze, not his fearful one. I looked around me to see cracks forming in the ceiling.

 -"Emergency power at 15% and dropping."

 I glanced out the window, Earth becoming closer and closer. It was one of those times where I didn't want to get close to Earth.

 "Mr. Sulu, divert any remaining power to stabilizers," Spock commanded.

 "Doing what I can, sir. Doing what I can!" Sulu exclaimed

 We fell further, no signs of stopping. I tensed up, everything becoming a blur. Everyone's voices seemed to be miles away, yet I could still hear them.

 "If we don't get power or shields back online, we're gonna be incinerated on re-entry!" Sulu shouted.

 Spock glanced back at me, our eyes meeting for a moment. I could barely see those beautiful orbs, my blurry vision becoming worse. Sweat was pouring down my face, my heartbeat was accelerating.

 I looked out to see the front of the ship flying apart in flames. This was it, we were going to die. At this point, I had accepted it. It was okay, though. I was with the people I loved. I would rather die with them than with anyone else in the whole universe. But my thoughts were interrupted.

 "Warp core is back online!" Sulu said.

 "Maximum thrusters, Mr. Sulu!" Spock commanded. I heard the thrusters kick on.

 "Thrusters at maximum. Stand by! Stand by!" Sulu yelled.

 We fell and fell, falling beneath the clouds. A few creaks could be heard, until I was pushed down into my seat. Next thing we knew, we were floating gracefully above the clouds once more.

 I let out a loud sigh, while others relaxed in their seats. We did it. I don't know how, but we did it. I figured Spock would be "happy", but he just sat their, staring at the floor.

-"Shields restored!"

-"Commander, power back online!"

 "Mr. Spock, altitude stabilizing," Sulu informed.

-"It's a miracle!"

 Spock stared thoughtfully and deactivated his security restraints. "There are no such things," he almost mumbled.

 Just then, Spock's comm beeped. He pressed it. "Mr. Spock," Scotty said.

 "Mr. Scott?" Spock questioned.

 "You better get down here, better hurry."

 And with that, Spock ran off like a cheetah. I watched him go, wondering what could be wrong. I sat there for a few moments, contemplating the situation. Kirk and Scotty were together on the enemy ship, so they were beamed over together. The ship was stabilized, and Scotty called Spock down to Engineering. His voice was full of grief, and he wanted him there fast. But I didn't hear Kirk. Kirk... oh my g- JIM!!

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