Chapter 12: Fight on Kronos

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 *WARNING* Intense violence, some killing.*

We guided our shuttle to the ground below. My heart was thumping out of my side (Yes, Vulcans have their heart where humans have their livers). Uhura was at the door, ready and waiting. The shuttle landed with a thud, and Uhura walked off with her head held high. While she looked calm on the outside, I could sense intense nervousness and fear emitting from her. We all huddled to on side of the craft, watching the whole scene go down.

 "This isn't going to work," Kirk said.

 "It is our only logical option," Spock mumbled. "And if you interrupt her now, you will not only incur the wrath of the Klingons but that of Lieutenant Uhura as well."

 I narrowed my eyes at Spock. How would he know "the wrath of Uhura"?

 My attention was quickly drawn back to Uhura and the Klingons. They were talking to each other in rough voices, the language they were speaking was not understandable. As the Klingon slowly approached Uhura, Kirk rushed over to a panel and brought out four phasers. He came back over to us and gave one to each of us. I nodded my thanks and glared back out at the group. I watched as the Klingon took his helmet off, showing his muscular face and pierced features. More talking ensued, and I could see Uhura tensing up. Suddenly, without warning, the Klingon grabbed Uhura's face with one hand. I tensed up, watching it all unfold. I then watched the Klingon quietly draw a knife out of his belt. I was about to yell something when phaser shots rang out. Multiple things happened at once. The Klingons started panicking, Kirk started panicking, I sure as heck started panicking; Uhura gave us a death glare, most likely thinking we did it, grabbed the knife from the Klingon, and stabbed him in the crotch. Kirk ran out and started shooting at anything with a Klingon helmet. Spock brushed my cheek with the back of his hand before running out, followed by two security officers. I grabbed my phaser, drew in a deep breath, and ran out.

 It was complete chaos. Klingons running everywhere, up, down, and all around. I looked for the source of the sudden outbreak of shots and I saw a cloaked figure, caring multiple weapons and taking on the Klingons single-handedly. Just then, I felt a searing pain in my right side. I yelled and fell to the ground. Green blood oozed from my side, dangerously close to my heart. I had been scrapped by a phaser blast. I heard Klingons running up behind me, so I grabbed my phaser and shot blindly behind me. I heard a thud, and turned around to see a Klingon on the floor. That was the first time I had killed someone. I stared in horror at what I had done. I heard yelling from the left, and I turned to see Kirk getting absolutely beat up by Klingons. I tried to aim at them, but the cloaked man killed them before I had the chance. Spock and Uhura ran over and grabbed Kirk. They dragged him to the side, out of danger. But they still haven't seen me...

 I pulled myself up, pain rushing through my side. I was in the shadows, so it was no wonder they hadn't spotted me. I gathered my breath and yelled out. "SPOCK!"

 He whirled around and ran over towards me. Once he reached me, he grabbed my face and started throwing questions at me. That would have been fine, if they weren't in Vulcan. I tried to push his hands away, but he grabbed my wrists.

 "Kroykah!" He yelled.

 "Wh-what???!! Spock! Talk English! I can't understand you!" I yelled.

 "Enough! Stop! You are bleeding profusely! You must stay still!" Spock yelled back.

 I could tell his human half was peeking out. I nodded, pain flowing through me. He placed his hand on my side and helped me walk, more like dragged me, back to Kirk and Uhura. He placed me down on the ground and ran off to grab a gun. The cloaked man was finishing off the last Klingon when Spock got back to us. The man started approaching us.

 "Stand down," Spock warned.

 "How many torpedoes?" The man shouted.

 "Stand down!!" Spock yelled.

 The man turned towards Spock and shot his gun right out of his hands. Spock stared at him in shock and defiance.

 I looked at the man more closely. His hood was down. He had a British accent. Why was it so familiar? And that face... Then it hit me. Harrison! B-but why is he so incredibly familiar to me?

 "The torpedoes, the weapons you threatened me with in your message. How many are there?" Harrison yelled.

 Spock looked at Kirk, then back at Harrison. "Seventy-two."

 Harrison thought about it. "I surrender," he said as he threw his gun on the ground. Spock quickly reached down and picked it up, aiming it at Harrison.

 Kirk slowly got up, glaring at him the entire time. "On behalf of Christopher Pike, my friend, I accept your surrender," he said.

 Kirk started to turn around, but quickly whirled around, punching Harrison in the face. Harrison didn't even wince. He hit him two more times. Harrison simply turned his head with the punch. Kirk breathlessly grabbed Harrison and started punching and kneeing him in the stomach. Nothing. Kirk then grabbed Harrison by the hair, and beat down on his face multiple times. Harrison simply stared at him.

 "Captain!" Uhura yelled.

 I glanced at Spock who had his eyebrows furrowed. I looked back at the scene and watched Kirk slowly stand up, glaring at Harrison in pure hatred. He turned around and started limping away.

 "Cuff him," he mumbled.

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