Chapter 18: Target the Enterprise

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"CAROL!" Kirk yelled, stepping in the direction she disappeared.

 I flew out of my seat, throwing a hand over my mouth.

 "Captain Kirk, without authorization and in league with the fugitive John Harrison, you went rogue in enemy territory, leaving me no choice but to hunt you down and destroy you. Lock phasers." Marcus ordered.

 Kirk turned around and ran to the screen with his arm outstretched. "Wait, sir, wait, wait, wait!"

 I looked to my left to see Spock walking over to me, protectively standing beside me. I felt his hand gently grab my arm.

 "I'll make this quick," Marcus growled. "Target all aft torpedoes on the Enterprise bridge."

 "Sir, m-my crew was just f-following my orders. I-I t-take full responsibility for my actions, but they were mine, and mine alone. If I transmit Khan's location to you now, all that I ask is that you spare them," Kirk said, stepping towards the screen. "Please, sir. I'll do anything you want. Just let them live," Kirk said, close to tears.

 "That's a hell of an apology," Marcus said. "But if it's any consolation, I was never going to spare your crew," Marcus said with a smug tone to his voice. My breath caught in my throat. "Fire when-"

 And the transmission cut out.

 I was completely frozen, Spock's grip tightening on my arm. I look over to Uhura and saw she was looking down, panting. It was dead silent on the bridge. Kirk slowly turned to face us all. Two words left his mouth.

 "I'm sorry."

 I let out a small sob and quickly cover my mouth. Spock looks down at me, his eyebrows furrowed. We all bowed our heads, ready for the darkness to overtake us. Ready to be shot out of existence, to be crushed under the metal of the bridge, to be sucked out into space.

 Sulu's voice broke the silence. "Their weapons have powered down. Sir."

 We all looked up. Just then, a familiar, Scottish accent rang out through the bridge.

"Enterprise? Can you hear me?"

 Kirk whirled around. "Scotty!"

 "Guess what I found behind Jupiter."

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