Chapter 27: Waiting

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 It has been approximately two weeks since Kirk "died". When we brought Khan back to the Enterprise, Bones and Carol explained to us that we could bring him back. They said they needed Khan's blood to make a serum for Kirk. My mind was in a whirl, from the fight, Kirk's death, everything. I barely remember seeing Kirk frozen in a cryo tube, the bottles of potions Bones had spread across the table, Khan lying on a table, unconscious thankfully.

 Bones walked up to me, grabbing my shoulder gently. "We should get you checked out, darlin."

 I moaned as he led me away. All I really wanted was to collapse on a bed and sleep. I suppose I could do that while they checked on me. Bones did the usual, looked into my eyes, ears, checked my joints, my breathing. I tried to stop from drifting to sleep, but it was harder than I thought.

 Bones let out a chuckle. "Someone looks sleepy."

 I smiled and nodded.

 "Why don't you go get some rest? You look like you need it," he said with a smile. He leaned in really close. "Doctor's orders."

 I let out a laugh and limped out of the room. Finally reaching my quarters and literally falling onto the bed.

 Now here I am. Two weeks later, and Kirk still isn't up. We are back on Earth now, on leave. The Enterprise is being repaired while everyone else is either worrying their butts off or drunk out of their minds. I heard a small knock at my door, and I went over and slid it open. I smiled when I saw Spock on the other side, but it soon fell when I saw the tears in his eyes.

 "Spock, what's wrong?" I said, ushering him inside.

 "I... I am worried, Penny, "Spock confessed. "Jim has not woken up yet. It has simply been too long. Perhaps we waited too long in finding Khan, or perhaps-"

 "Spock," I interrupted. "I think if Bones knew about Jim not waking up, we would be among the first to know."

 "Perhaps you are right," Spock said, looking down.

 "I know, Spock. I miss Jim too," I mumbled, pulling him into a hug.

 We stayed there, hugging each other until we heard our communicators beep. We parted and flipped Spock's open, as he already had it ready to go.

 "Spock here."

 "Spock! Get your rear-end down here! Jim is waking up! Get Penny, too!" Bones yelled.

 Spock and I looked at each other, our faces lightening up. Well, mine more than his, but you get the point.

 We sprinted to the hospital, straightening ourselves out in the turbo lift. We stepped off and went straight to Kirk's room. When we walked in, we saw Kirk and Bones talking to each other.

 "How did you catch him?" Kirk mumbled.

  Bones glanced at us and smirked. "I didn't."

 He stepped away to reveal Spock and I standing side by side. Kirk broke out into a grin. "You guys saved my life."

 "Carol and I had something to do with it too, ya know," Bones mumbled.

 Spock looked down. "You saved our lives, Captain, and the lives of your-"

 "Spock, just..." Kirk interrupted. "Thank you."

 "You are welcome, Jim," Spock and I said in unison.

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