Chapter 11: Caught

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 As I sat on the bridge, I was listening to Kirk addressing the crew on their mission parameters. Instead of following Admiral Marcus' orders like a good little Jimmy boy, he decided we were actually going down there and capturing Harrison to bring him back for a proper trial. He already had his butt kicked by one admiral, he didn't need another. Once he was done talking to the ship, Spock stood up and walked over to him.

 "Captain, I believe you have made the right decision," Spock said. "If I can be of assistance, I would be happy to accompany you on the away team."

 Kirk looked up at Spock. "You? Happy?"

 Spock gave a small smirk. "I was simply attempting to use your vernacular to convey and idea."

 Kirk smiled and nodded. "Thank you, Mr. Spock."

 Spock gave a curt nod and walked off of the bridge.


 Quite a ways into our travels, I noticed Spock was still absent. As I stood up to go search for him, I was immediately knocked back down onto the floor. The whole Enterprise suddenly jerked and aimlessly floated in space.

 "Engineering manually dropped us out of warp, sir," Sulu said, breathing heavily.

 As Bones helped me up, I heard Kirk's frantic voice as he pushed a comm. "Mr. Chekov, did you break my ship?"

 "Sorry, sir! I don't know vwhat happened. Zhe core overheated. I had to actiwate the emergency stop. It must be a coolant leak. I need time to find it. Sorry, Captain," Chekov said, all in one breath.

 "Dammit...," Kirk mumbled. "Mr. Sulu, time to our destination."

 "Twenty minutes, sir. That's 20 minutes in enemy space we weren't counting on," Sulu replied.

 "All right. We better hop to it," Kirk said as he turned around. "Where's Spock?"

 Before the words left his mouth, Spock walked in through the doors. "Here, Captain."

 Kirk looked at Spock. "You're coming with me to Kronos," he said. He looked at Lieutenant Uhura. "Lieutenant, how's your Klingon?"

 "It's rusty, but it's good," Uhura replied. Spock tilted his head while glaring at Kirk.

 "Good, then you're coming too," Kirk said. He looked back and forth between the two. "This isn't going to be a problem, is it? You two working together?"

 "Absolutely not," Uhura immediately replied. She gave a glare to Spock before walking away.

 Spock turned to me, then Kirk. "Unclear."

 Kirk rolled up his eyes. "I'll meet you in the shuttle bay," he said. He then turned to me. "I think I'm gonna need you to come along. Keep them in check."

 "Very well, sir," I said with a nod.

 I hurried off to get changed. We were dressing up as K'normian arms dealers. If the Klingons caught us, nothing could tie us to Starfleet. If they found out where we are from, war would break out.

 I scurried into the shuttle and took a seat next to Kirk. I was facing right, Spock was facing left, and Kirk was facing forwards. Uhura and a Lieutenant Hendorff took the seats in the back of the vessel. We started off towards our destination, awkward silence between us all.

 Finally, Spock broke the silence. "I am detecting a single life sign in the Ketha Province. Given the information by Mr. Scott, this is most likely John Harrison."

 "Mr. Sulu, I think we found our man. You let him know you mean business," Kirk said into his comm. Mr Sulu was put in charge of the Enterprise. Kirk said he would give him the word when he would lock onto Harrison's position and tell him to surrender.

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