Chapter 20: Flashbacks

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 I look over at Spock. He was seated in the captain's chair, staring out the screen. I jumped when he shot out of his seat and walked over to Uhura.

 "Lieutenant, from our current position, is it possible to establish a connection with New Vulcan?" He asked.

 "I'll do my best," Uhura said, practically mumbling.

 "Thank you," Spock said roughly.

 He walked back to the chair and looked at Sulu. "Mr. Sulu, what is the status of the other ship?"

 "Their systems are still offline," Sulu responded. "I'm aligning our ship now."

 Kirk and Khan were going to a space jump to the other ship. This consisted of them being put into the trash shoot, shot out into space, fly like Superman, and somehow go through a cargo bay hanger door without dying. Turns out they locked access so Scotty can't stop them from destroying the Enterprise next time. Oh, and we only have 3 minutes. Great.

  "Commander, our trash exhaust is aimed at access port 101A of the other ship," Sulu said.

"Captain, our ships our aligned," Spock said into his comm.

 "Copy that," Kirk said. "Scotty!"

 "I'm in the hanger. Give me a minute," Scotty said. There was silence until I heard, "I'm running. Stand by."

 I shook my head and chuckled. Thankfully we could hear the conversations between Kirk and Scotty. A few moments later, Scotty's voice could be heard once more.

 "Whoa, whoa, hold on, now, Captain. This door is very wee. I mean, you know, small. It's four square meters, tops. It's gonna be like jumping out of a moving car, off a bridge, into your shot glass," Scotty said in a dead serious tone.

 "It's okay. I've done it before," Kirk said.

 We all paused and looked at each other.

  I could tell he was talking to Khan. "Yeah, it was vertical. We jumped onto a... It was a... It doesn't matter. Scotty-"

 "Did you find the manual override?" Khan interrupted.

 -"Manual override, Scotty." Kirk said at the same time, trying to say what Khan said.

 "Not yet, not yet-" Scotty said, out of breath.

 At this point I completely zoned out. I started having flashbacks of my mother. Suddenly I felt very small, alone, and afraid.


  I was three. I was sitting in my living room on Vulcan, watching the ships fly around the city. I rested my head in my elbows and stared our the window. It was so beautiful. I wanted to fly one of those one day. My thoughts were interrupted by someone grabbing me from behind. I gasped and was lifted until I saw a familiar face of a man. The man had dark hair, a mustache, and blue eyes. Khan.

 "Khaaaann. Let me goooo," I whined, a grin spreading across my face.

 "If that is what you want," Khan said.

 He gently tossed me onto the couch. I giggled as he walked over and started tickling me. He startled chuckling, watching me laugh and bat at his hands. Mother soon walked in, leaning against the door frame and smiling at us.

 Khan looked at my ears. He traced his finger over them and smiled down at me. "You have beautiful ears, my dear."

 I giggled. "Thank you."

 Even though I was three, I was still pretty intelligent for a toddler. I was 1/4 Vulcan, after all.

 Mother walked over to him, wrapping her arms around his neck. He stood up and turned, kissing her gently. I crinkled up my nose. "I love you," he murmured.

 "What about me?" I asked with a pout on my face.

 He laughed and turned to me. "I love you, too."

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~END FLASHBACK~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

  I snapped out of my trance I was in, only to find Spock counting down.

 "If you can hear us, Mr. Scott, open the door in ten, nine..."

 "Scotty!" Kirk yelled.

 "Eight... seven..."

 "Mr. Scott, where are you!"

 I tensed up. Kirk wasn't going to make it. "Scotty..." I mumbled.

 "... six... five..."

 "1,800 meters. 1,600 meters," an android counted.

 "Scotty," I said in a louder voice.

 "Scotty where are you??" Kirk asked.


 "Do you copy, Scotty? Please!" Kirk yelled


 "SCOTTY!!!" I yelled.

 "Mr. Scott, open the door!!" Spock shouted.

 "OPEN THE DOOR!!!" Kirk yelled.

 "Mr. Scott, NOW!" Spock yelled.

 Then, Kirk's screams could be heard. I started panicking because I thought he was hurt, but if he had hit the ship he would have died instantly. Then I heard grunting, gasping, and lots of rumbling. I heard Kirk sigh, and I knew they had made it. I closed my eyes and leaned back. They flipping made it.

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