Blind Hatred

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"Wake up!" I was blinded by bright lights. "What time is it?" I asked. "It's two PM, you're lucky that it's Saturday otherwise you'd be fucked." He sat silently on his bed and looked up at me. "Wes, why did you run away last night? I thought you were having fun." "You said that you hate me, why would I want to hang around someone who feels that way about me?" "It's true that I hate you, there's something about you that rubs me the wrong way. But I'm not a complete asshole, so I'm just going to show you what's what, and then we'll never have to speak ever again....first things first, boundaries. You do not come to this side of room unless you are leaving or going to the bathroom, got it?" Boundaries, that's the last thing I need right now. "Also, since you missed breakfast and lunch, I grabbed these for you." He took a couple of granola bars from his pocket and handed them to me. "Thank you?" "Hurry up with those, we have to go meet up with the guys." By guys I'm assuming he's talking about the people from last night. "No...I want to stay here, you go...not me too." "You are such a drag, it wasn't my idea to bring you with me, it's the rest of them that you there."
Does he really hate me or is he just acting like he does? Because when you hate someone you don't want anything to do with them or not care whether or not they've eaten like he did. I shouldn't get to far ahead of myself, he's only doing this since I'm new here. He's running away from this place soon as it is, it's not like it matters whether or not likes me or not. "Just like last night, you're coming with me and I'm going to make sure that you don't run away again." He sneered. "I'm not a pet, stop treating me like one." I shouldn't have said anything. "I'll treat you any way I want to, bitch." "Leave me alone..." I covered my face with the pillow to hide the tears forming my eyes. I'm so weak, why can't I stand up for myself? "You're fucking pathetic, have it your way. Just when you could've had some friends." He stormed out of the room slamming the door behind him. I don't want his friends anyways, I can get friends by myself. That's a lie, you've never had an actual friend in your life, what makes you think that anyone could like you?

*time skip*

"Hey faggot, I'm back!" David throws himself on his bed. I winced at word of choice, I used to get called that a lot before I came here. "What's the matter with you?" He noticed my discomfort. "It's not like you care how I feel." I hugged my knees to my chest. "I don't, forget I even asked." He shrugged. "By the way, everyone got mad at me for you not being there." "I don't fucking care." I grumbled. "What's your problem? I try to bring you friends, I made sure you got something eat too. You can least say 'thank you', you ungrateful piece of shit. I knew there was something off about you and I think I found that something that ticks me off." David said angrily. "You meant nothing you've done since I got here, you said that you're only doing because I'm new and nothing more. So why should I be thankful for all this?" "I can tell you this much, no one else would step out of there way to help you, everyone here is a selfish prick that'll only do things for other people is they have something to gain from it." "You don't have to do anything for me, I'm sure I can find a way to manage on my own." "Since you're confident about it, I'm going away tonight then. Have fun here alone, Wes." David pulled a suitcase from underneath his bed and started throwing in his belongings. "What if someone catches you?" "They'll bring me right back here and I'll try again soon after." He sounds so sure of himself. "Don't run away..." I didn't mean to say that. "Why shouldn't I? You clearly don't need me." "That's the thing....I do need you, I can't do anything by myself." Such a pathetic thing to say, Wesley. " "You want me to feel bad for you now? Sorry, I ran out of sympathy years ago." I feel's a warm and fuzzy feeling all of a sudden, what is this? I don't know if I want to know. "Loss of words? Oh well, I'm gonna get going, I hope I never have to see that stupid face of yours ever again." And just like that...he's gone. I fell horrible, this is because of me isn't it? It's not like a friendship would work out, it requires two people that aren't always at each other's throats. David hates me, it's as simple as that, no use in dwelling on it. But wait, there has to be another reason why he feels that way other than I tick him off, what's the reason then?

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