I like you

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Wes pov

"Hi David, how are you?" I asked cheerfully. "Why are you so happy?" He gave me hard look. Just like that, I was shot down again and today I was actually in a decent mood....damn. "Never mind then." I dropped my smile. "You're a buzzkill, you know that?" "Say what now?" David looked at me as if he's offended. I couldn't help but crack another smile at him. "You should smile more often..." David said just loud enough for me to hear. "Huh?" I blushed. "You should too, in fact I don't think I've ever seen you happy." "What's there to be happy about?" David asked. "Your friends, they care a lot about you I can see that. Your parents, I'm sure they love you." David froze like a deer in the headlights. "David, what's wrong?" He's never acted like this around me at all before. What do I do? I bet Josh would know, but he's not here. I'll have to talk to David myself while trying not to piss him off. "David, why do you look so sad? You can tell me what's wrong." I said with a hint of hope in my voice. "It's nothing....just nothing." He slumped over on his bed. "Did I say something wrong?" "Just stop, Wes. I don't want to talk right now." David's voice cracked. Is he about to cry or something? "I can't stand to see you like this..." "You don't care about me, no one does. Not my father not my selfish ass mother , not anyone! I'm all alone...that's all I'll ever be...alone. And what happened to the 'I hate you too' thing? You're not supposed to care about the people you hate, idiot." David retorts. Why would he call his mom selfish? "Mari, Josh, Matt, Anthony and Ian...including me care. You're so closed off on yourself that you don't even realize what you have in front of you. You call your mom selfish? Take a good fucking look in the mirror, I'm sure she did her best to take care of you!" I didn't mean to yell at him, I couldn't help it. I almost never raise my voice at anyone for any reason. "You have no idea who I am, all I am to you is some asshole roommate. Fuck you, Wes! You wouldn't understand how I feel, all the shit that I've been put through by my parents!" "Help me understand then, show me who the real David Moss is." I sat next to him on his bed. "If you're not afraid to be around me now, you definitely will after I tell you why I'm this way today. Are you sure you want to hear this?" "I'm not going to walk away from you, I'm not like that." I gently placed my hand on his shoulder. He's so cute when he's not screaming in my face. "It all started with my dad, he had a big gambling problem and lost a huge portion of our already dwindling budget, soon after that he wasted some more on alcohol...a lot of it. He's the angry type of drunk. He would blame all of his problems on my mom and I. He would always be beating mom, her screams of sheer terror is burned into my memory. One day I tried to defend my mom from his wrath and it ultimately led to the day he started to beat on me too. My life at that point was a complete nightmare. My mom and I escaped from home for awhile before he found us again and forced us to come back. That was also the night she...." David trailed off with tears streaking down his face. "What happened!?" "She shot herself right in front of me. I'll never forget that look of hopelessness on her face. Sometimes I wish that she would've taken me with her, but I had to live on and suffer every single day without the love and comfort my mom gave me. Dad had so sympathy for the child who lost their mother, instead it enabled him to do me even worse. He constantly reminded me how worthless and useless I am, he hit me way harder than before, he made me go several days at a time without any food or water, I was locked in my room to make sure of that. The day my pointless life got better was when I met Anthony at school before we got transferred here. He introduced me to everyone else, I didn't think that I'd ever find any happiness before I met them, I hope that we'll be friends until our very last day." David stopped and took a few breathes. "There you have it, the life story and the full package of what they call David Moss."
"I had no clue...I'm so sorry." I gave him sad eyes. "There's nothing to be sorry about, the past is in the past, there's nothing we can do to change it." He faked a smile.

Lasercorn pov

He really listened to me. Wes genuinely wanted to know about me. "If there is anyone who should be sorry, it's me. I've been s huge dickhead for no good reason and I think I finally know why." I turned my body to face him. "What is it?" Wes asked eagerly. "I like you...a lot...you-you're different from anyone that I have ever met. I can't quite explain how I feel, but that's the only thing I know for certain. All those times I said that hated you was me trying to avoid the truth.

   She holds the handgun at the right side of her head and looks me straight in the eyes.

                            "Please forgive me."


               "What the fuck is going on in there?"


He throws open the bedroom door

   "Stupid bitch."


               "Mom! PLEASE WAKE UP!"

Nightmare after nightmare





    Run away


                     Escape while you still can

"It appears David Moss is suffering from PTSD"

"I'm sorry, mom."

"David, oh my god, are you okay?" I opened my eyes to find myself in Wes's lap. "You blacked out a few hours ago, I stayed to make sure that you're fine." He gave me a cute smile.

                 What the hell was that?

A/N: the next chapter should be a bit more interesting, the others will be there too! This one was just to thicken the plot some more. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed!

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