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I didn't get much sleep, I spent too much time thinking about David. How can you hate someone you just met? I don't understand... And why was he so blunt about it? My life at this school officially starts tomorrow, I wonder if it's really going to as bad as David described it to be. I have so many questions about him and how I feel about everything so far. Why can I only think about David? The one who expressed hate without hesitation. I'm so confused. His friends probably hate me now too...I'm a shitty person, I truly am. I'm usually an easy going person, what's happening to me? I would rather go back to my old school than be here...why did I think I absolutely had to come out as gay to my mom especially when  she's a religious nut? You're going to hell, Wesley. Your lifestyle is a sin and it won't go unpunished. At least I don't have to see her for a long time. "Wes you in there?" The guy from the party, Joven I think is what they were calling him came inside my room. "What do you want?" "I heard that David ran away last night. Do you know where he went?" His tone is full of urgency.  "I have no idea, he just kinda grabbed his stuff and left, he said nothing about his plans after springing himself out." "I would think that he'd at the very least tell someone other than you that he was planning on running away." "Do you have any clue about why he decided to do this?" I ask. "I'm certain that David already told you that he hates being in this school, he's talked about doing this for some time now, I didn't think that he would go through with it." "Has he always been like this?" "No, he's actually a very nice person, his attitude started after you got here...I don't know if this has anything to do with you though." "He hates me, David said that he does to my face more than once and we've never done anything but fight, he hates me so much that he can't even stand to be around me." I sighed. "Anyhow...I'm going to keep looking around and try to find his whereabouts, if David turns up, let us know." Right on cue the door swings open and there's David being hassled by a security guard. "Let me go already, and give me my shit too!" He gets thrown into the room along with his suitcase. "I don't want to hear it, Joshua." He picked himself off the floor. "What are even doing here?" He asked. "I was just asking Wes if he knew where you went." "Ha, I didn't say much to that fag, so he wouldn't know!" He laughed. "What's with you David? Why do you hate Wes? What the hell did he ever do to you?" I'm shocked at Joshua defending me out of nowhere. "I don't have to explain myself to you." "You are such an asshole you know that?" "GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE!" David burst.

*time skip*

"I'm sorry..." I heard him softly whisper. "What do you mean?" "I'm sorry, I'm not usually like this at all...I'm just going through a lot right now and I don't know how to handle it properly." I can't tell if he's being genuine or not. Godamnit, I'm feeling weird again? What is this emotion? Could it possibly be... I doubt it. "I still think that you're a piece of shit, but like I said before. I'm not a complete asshole." That smug look on his face says otherwise. "It's a bit hard to believe that your apology actually meant something." "Well you can believe whatever the fuck you want, I don't care." He rolled his eyes. This conversation is going nowhere fast.

Terribly sorry for the short ass chapter and the delay for this short ass chapter. Something really strange happened to my account and all of my work was lost, but fortunately for me I got everything back! :3

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