I'll Protect You

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*Monday morning*

"Get the hell up, we have to go to class." David shook me awake. Looks like I'll have be another level of miserable here. "I don't even know where to go." "I've got your schedule right here, I can show where your classes are." He pointed at a piece of paper taped on the wall. "We have first period together so hurry your ass up."
I rubbed the tiredness from my eyes and got up out of bed.
After getting ready I met David by the door with my bag and he took me to the large school building across from the dorms. "Math, here." He grabbed me by the wrist into the classroom. I felt my blood run cold when I saw a certain person, my worst nightmare....Donny. He went to my old school with me, it was living hell putting up with his shit everyday. I thought it was a dream come true when he got kicked out of there... He also knows that I'm gay and always called me a faggot instead of using my name. "Why is that fag here?" He fucking recognizes me. Granted I look exactly the same as I did when he first became a problem for me. "Long time no see. Did you finally find a boyfriend for your gay needs?"
"Wes, do you know this person?" David asked. "This is Donny, one of the biggest assholes I know." I sighed frustrated. "You don't look like much." David smirked evilly at Donny. Please don't make this worse. "Ah, you must be the one who fucks that piece of garbage." "What the hell are you talking about? I'm just showing this shit head how this place works before sending him off alone." David's words stung me badly but I sadly nodded at him. "Wesley, I believe that we have some unfinished business to attend to." Donny stood up from his desk towering over me. How tall is as he gotten? Where the hell is the teacher at? Donny effortlessly picked me up off the floor by my shirt collar and then slammed me straight into the tiled floor. I feel a warm liquid streaming down the back of my head so I touched it with my hands and brought it back stained red. "Already bleeding? I thought you tougher than that." Donny the kicked me straight in the gut. I felt all the air rush out of me. I gasped desperately in need to breathe but my attempt was futile. "HEY!" I heard David yell through the buzzing in my ears. The voices of the other students in the room blended together into a whisper and eventually...nothing.

I woke up and immediately got blinded by the completely white room. Where am I at? I was just in the classroom. "How are you feeling?" I jumped at the voice. It's just a woman, a nurse I think judging by her outfit. "You're in the the nurses office, you took a pretty ugly blow to the head, I'm afraid. Your file says that you have asthma, when you were brought here you weren't breathing so I assumed you were having an asthma attack." "Where David?" I asked. "David who?" "David Moss." "He is in the principal's office, he's the one that hurt you and Donny Smith." "That's not true at all, it was Donny who did it, not David." I said. "Let me go, I need to talk to him." I tried getting out of the bed but she stopped me. "You must have a concussion, stay right there. I'm sure principle Quinn will have it all sorted out soon." She made me lay back down.  "You don't understand, whoever said that it was David who did this is lying, please let me go to him." I pleaded. The nurse simply smiled and left the room in response. I hope nothing bad happens to him, he doesn't deserve to be punished. Why do I even care that the the blame was pushed onto David? The guy openly hates me for some reason and treats me horribly. Maybe it's because I'm not ready to be alone yet or he's the first one to ever step up and help me out here. What ever happened to Donny after I passed out? I need to worry about myself for now and nothing else. My entire body aches especially my head, the throbbing pain on the back of my head is almost too much to handle. "Sup faggot?" I swung my head to look at the other side of the room and saw Donny too lying on a bed looking injured. "Why are you in here?" I asked surprised to see him. "None of your fucking business." Donny snapped. Is David the reason he's in here too?
Hours later I was escorted by the nurse back to my dorm room where David was pacing anxiously back and forth. "Wes, are you okay?" He rushed to me. "What's with your sudden concern for me?" I asked. "That bitch hurt you pretty badly, I didn't think that they would send you back today." David explained. "How did Donny end up in the nurses office with me?" "I kicked that bastard's ass after you blacked out, he got what he deserved." I could hear the anger clear as day in his voice. But why? "What happened afterwards?" "I was taken to the principal and blamed for you and the other guy and was threatened with arrest until Josh stepped up for me and told them what actually went down in class." David sighed. "But really, if he ever tries to hurt you again...I'll protect you."

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