Sweet Dreams (epilouge)

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Life as we know it keeps changing and it shows no signs of stopping. Smosh and Smosh Games is over, after Anthony got married to his girlfriend, he just kinda drifted away from us all, the rest of us managed to hold the audience for some time after, but in the end over half the fans left and we didn't have the money to continue. Ian was really upset at the loss of his best friend but he has Pam now, he's happy with her, she loves him and he loves her. I became a full time Twitch streamer along side David. Our future didn't go as planned, everyone thought that Smosh would be what we do for the rest of our lives, the twelve of us...the Smosh family, none of the times we spent together will never be forgotten...mostly because most of it was documented on the Internet.

Recently times have been getting rough, David got extremely sick out of nowhere, he was puking about every five minutes, he has a terrible cough that won't go away, so bad that even blood came up. I had no choice but to take him to the hospital. Let's hope we have the money to pay the bill.

*two weeks ago*

David pecked my lips and gave me cute little smile. "I love you." He spoke lightheartedly to me. "Do you think that one day we could adopt a kid?" David asked staring out the window. "Definitely, it would be nice to have to have kid, I've always wanted to be dad!" I grinned.


After that day we never spoke of adoption again. Is it still possible? Yes.
But David right now is the only thing on my mind.
"How is he?" Mari asked me. "I still haven't been told what's wrong with him, all I know is that he's still alive." I answered sadly. "David will pull through I'm sure, he's one hell of a fighter, a little sickness isn't taking him down." Mari said with her voice full of hope. She got married to Peter four years ago, since then Mari had a little boy that they named Austin, she's changed a lot after that, she has all of these 'motherly instincts', now several people ask her for help or guidance through things, she's extremely lighthearted and helpful for the most part, but I can still see that she wants to go back to who she used to be...we all want to back to who we once were.

"David Moss?" A doctor called out his name. I stood up in response. "How is he?" I asked anxiously. "Follow me, Mr. Johnson. This going to be a lot to take in." I felt my heart sink in my chest. This can't be good. The doctor led me through a long narrow hallway lined with several brown doors on each side. "In here." He motioned. I walked in and saw the one I love with wires and machines hooked up to him. "Please tell me what's wrong!" I said trying to hold back a panic attack.

                  "He has cancer"

"No...no...NO, please tell me you can fix him and make him better!" My breaths are rapid and shallow. "It's in his brain, I'm afraid to say, we would be able to treat him, but he's unstable. Moss has had seizure after seizure, his brain stem is heavily damaged after taking many blows to the head, even if there was anything we could do he'd still be way too damaged to live for very long, I'm sorry."

This isn't happening, I'm just dreaming. I'm gonna wake up with David next to me.
Why can't I wake up?

H-how much longer d-does he have?" I stuttered. "I was ordered to take him off of life support after you said your goodbyes..." The doctor trailed off.

The doctor left the room leaving me alone with David. "This is it, huh?" I began. "What a crazy journey we had together, it was fun." I smiled sadly. "I wish I could hear your voice again, I miss  you so much already." "We'll never forget you, you know that? I'll make sure of it.... Remember how we met? I was just some awkward kid meeting some guy who I thought would be my worst enemy, not my future husband. Man, mom sure did give me hell after seeing you kiss my cheek on my last day there. David Moss, you made me the happiest man to be alive, you're one in a million, I'll love you till the day I die." I took his hand in mine and the machines began to be shut off leaving only the heart moniter on. It's time for the end. The beeping went on for for a few minutes until I heard the ear piercing sound of a flat line. My hand tensed as the warmth from David slowly disappeared. I bent down and whispered through my tears

         "Sweet dreams"

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