Wes Is Different

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I guess Matt passed on the word about the 'fight' between David and I because next thing I knew Josh, Anthony, Matt, and Ian bust into our room. "Why are you guys here?" David asked. "What the hell is wrong with you? Why do you think you have be this way with Wes? He's done nothing wrong to you!" Anthony was the first to speak up. "This is what this is about, okay. Learn to keep your damn mouth shut next time, I don't have the time deal with this." David said nonchalantly. "You're horrible you know that? It's not his fault that your da-" "Don't say another fucking word, asshole!" Anthony clearly knows something about him that we don't. "You don't have the right to...." David trailed off. The anger on his face dissipated and turned into what looks to be a deep sadness. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have brought it up." "Get out, all of you. RIGHT NOW!" I remained silent, I don't want to be yelled at by him but I do in fact want to talk to him here after they leave.
"David...are you feeling alright?"
"Why do you care?" I can see that he's trying to be mad, but can't. Sadness has won the war over him. David is at weak point right now, I shouldn't press to hard. "You're always angry and right now you look more sad than anything else."
"That's not your problem, it's mine."
"David, what's the matter?"
"Absolutely nothing so leave me alone."
"You're lying."
"So what? It doesn't matter."

At this point David just stopped talking and began cradling himself on his bed. What are you hiding? Why can't he just tell me? Why must everything be so difficult?

David pov

Those horrible memories haunt me. Mom, I wish you were here, I miss you. I remember the day she died.
"You'll meet someone amazing one day and you won't have to think about me anymore. I love you so much, sweetheart, I need you to stay strong for me. I'm sorry I have to leave you so soon but I have to do this to get away from...him, I don't mean to make you sad, it just has to be this way. Keep your head up, David and you will see your life right in front of you."

"Daddy's been drinking again".

"Daddy's going to hurt you badly."

"Get away."

Keep your head up and you will see your life right in front of you. Right in front of me? Let's give it a try. The only problem with that statement is that the first thing I saw when I looked up all I saw was Wes. Rather than look away I studied his facial features, his eyes are soft yet piercing with deep brown irises. His lips smooth and plump. I can't see a single imperfection and it's driving me crazy, how is his face so proportionate? A cute face to match that adorable personality. Where did that come from? My mom said that I'd meet someone amazing one day, you know what's so amazing about Wes? He still hangs around despite how shitty I am to him. Wes is different, I'll give him that, any normal person would have requested a new room or plain old left the school by now.


I'm terribly sorry about the slow updates, I'm trying so hard to get new chapters up as soon as I can, please forgive me ;-;
Oh yeah, and I apologize for this extremely short chapter

Right In Front Of Me (Wescorn)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن