I Hate You too

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He'll protect me? My head started spinning rapidly with emotion. First he hates me, and then he acts like this, what's next? "But don't expect me to save your ass every time you manage to piss someone off." David quickly added. I have no idea what to say, all I can do is just stare. "Why are you looking at me like that? Stop it." It was very hard to tell, but I swear that he just blushed. What the hell is happening right now? "You know what screw you, I'm taking a nap."
Over and over his voice repeats I'll protect you...I'll protect you...I'll protect you. David most likely didn't mean what he said. Why would anyone want to protect someone they hate? It makes no sense, but then again. When did anything ever make sense? i look down at David fast asleep, a silent calmness hangs in the air. What goes through your head, David? Do you hate me or not? I have a million questions to ask him, but I don't think he'll want to answer to the likes of me. "Wes!" Josh swung the door open. "W-what?" I fell to floor startled. "Woah, I'm sorry." Josh burst out laughing. "Here." He held his hand out to me. "I can get up myself, and it's fine..." I mumbled just loud enough for him to hear. "I know that it's probably a bad time to ask but, we're having another party tonight. You want to come with?" For the love of god, say no! "Yeah, sure I'll come." You idiot. "Sweet, David will show you where it's at. We don't want people listening in on our location." "I guess that makes sense I suppose." I said. "Listen, about what happened last time. What Ian and David said was completely uncalled for, I'm pretty sure Ian was drunk off his ass anyway so he probably doesn't even remember you... As for David, I have no idea what why he says that he hates you so. I don't really think he truly feels that way to be honest... He's a wild card, no one knows who he is on the inside, what drives him to do the things he does, or the emotions he keeps hidden. Look you'll just have to bear with David the best that you possibly can and I promise that he will one day warm up to you. Just give him a chance, he's a nice guy when he wants to be." Josh explained eyeing David sleeping peacefully. "He doesn't like me in the least bit, but he's for some reason unknown to me, David is protective over me. It's a weird sentence to come out of my mouth even though it's true. I do believe that at heart, he's a nice and gentle person...I just wish that he show it off more often.

Lasercorn pov

I listened to every word they said. Does Wes really think that I'm a good person? But how? After the things that I told him before, oh he's going to get it. Let's see how long Wes can hold this act up when I'm through with him. Will I hurt him? No, but I definitely will try to fuck with him verbally. Oh man, this is going to be great.

Wes pov

*the next day*

I found myself thinking about David and I together, it's stupid I know, but I can't help but feel drawn to him. I like him a lot, no matter how horribly he treats me. There's no way that he will ever feel the same though. "Good morning." I smiled at David who just woke up. "Shut the fuck up, fag!" He glared at me. Why does everyone use 'faggot' as an insult? It's dumb. "What? I just said good morning." "It would be a good morning if you weren't here." David retorts.  I felt my heart sink in my chest as the harsh words push their way through his lips. "You've been nothing but a nuisance to me since the day you got here. Why don't you just do me a favour and go end your miserable life!" "I....I..." I can't find the courage to talk anymore, I just shut down all together. "You trying to say something? Do you know how pathetic you make yourself look, Wesley? No wonder why that kid wants to beat the shit out of you, you're such an easy target." David snarled. I can't take much more of this. I must like him more than I thought cause this hurts so much coming from him. "I hate you. Did you hear me? I fucking hates your guts!" He yells. "I HATE YOU TOO!" I exploded out of pure agony. Those simple words pushed me over the edge. Now all I have to do is what I know how to do best: run away. I bolted out of the room and bumped into several people in the hallway. "Watch it you prick." Is something I heard someone say, I'm not worried about what people think of my actions at the moment. I felt tears streaming down my face as I ran, it's all I've been holding in the entire time, I've finally reached my limit, all I can do is go away rather than face my problems. I don't want David to see me cry, crying is a sign of weakness... I thought that he was gonna start being nicer to me for a change. I was wrong...so fucking wrong. I made it out of the building and started heading away from the campus. It's only Tuesday but I'm already done with this week entirely...I'm done with everything. I can go home and tell my mom that I'm not gay anymore and that it was just a silly phase, maybe she'd take me out of this place. "Oh hey Wes, I haven't seen you in awhile." Matt stood in my way forcing me to stop running. "Why are you running?" He asks curiously. "And also, why are you crying?" "I don't want want to talk about it." I tried walking past him but he blocked me again. "You can talk to me, don't be afraid." He gave me a slight grin. "It's nothing, Matt." "You're clearly very upset, what's wrong?" I should just make this easy on myself and tell him what happened between David and I. "David...he-" "I've already heard enough, that asshole has had us all in bad moods lately. Josh told me about what David says about you I don't even want to imagine what he said that made you do this."

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