The Broken Girl

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The Broken Girl



Have you ever thought for a moment that all those girls that get straight A's and that are always smiling aren't actually happy. Those smiles are fake and behind those fake smiles are broken girls that are just pleading for help. One girl in particular feels as if she is drowning and no one can hear her pleads of help.The water covers up the sounds of her screams and cries.

Now don't get that mistaken for her not liking life. It wasn't always like this. No, she didn't always have a broken smile, it was real at one point in her life. She didn't always feels as if she couldn't breath. She use to like the thought of the world and she use to appreciate the earth for the little things. What happened to that girl you may ask, well I can't exactly tell you. You'll just have to read her story and find out.


Boy/Girl, Original Story


A/N: If you want me to write this story then you know what to do,





But most of all

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