A Writers Prospective

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Twenty-Eight year old Taylor Hail has written plenty of books in her lifetime all on one certain little site called Wattpad. She's faced the kindness and the cruelty of her readers. But what if the cruel comments become to much for her? Will there be a knight in shining armor to save her? Find out in a Writers perspective.

Teen Fiction

A/N:Ello Loves! I wanted to mention that this would basically be from my perspective (different name and age of course) but throughout the book all the thoughts and feelings would be really how most writers actually feels when there's a bunch of hate. None of it will be made up besides certain scenes. Most people are saying it may be like "My Wattpad Love" ( or something like that) but it won't be even close. I've read that story and mine focuses all about this woman, Taylor and her struggles as a writer. The romance would be limited in this. But anyways, you all know what to do if you like,





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