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"Get your lazy ass up for school!" My sister yells from my bedroom door.

"Fuck You!" I yell as I rub my eyes.

Out of all the fucking people on this earth, I was sisters with none other than Michelle Armstrong. Captain of the cheer squad, member of the school's gymnastic team, slept with every member of the football team, and nearly 3 quarters of the soccer team, as well as the most popular girl in school. She was ashamed to be related to me, I was ashamed to be related to her.

I eventually got up, chucked on black jeans, combat boots, a Danzig shirt and a denim jacket before giving my half a head of hair a quick straighten and then collect my school bag before my eyes came face to face with the mirror.

I stare at my ugly complexion. I hated my chubby cheeks, my chin and my lips. My boobs were big, but not perky. My Hips were wide, my thighs touched completely and i didn't have a flat stomach. In my eyes, as well as everyone else, i was the definition of fat. No matter how much I skipped meals, threw up and tried dieting, nothing worked. In fact i was more likely to gain more weight than actually loose anything.

I headed out of my room which was the basement, since there was only two bedrooms in the whole house and made my way to the kitchen to grab a piece of toast for breakfast.

"See you round looser." My sister scoffs as i head out the door to walk to school while she waited for her current boyfriend to pick her up, which was some jock.

I put some music on. Green day's hitchin' a ride, a perfect way to start any shitty school morning.

15 minutes later and I was walking into school with 5 minutes to spare. I head to my locker before walking to physics, my first class of the day.

"Watch it fatass!" Someone yells as I accidentally walk into them while changing the song. I get a few death glares, a whisper and a laugh before i continue down the hall.

Just another day in hell.

I get to class and sit down at the very back just as the bell rings and the class fills with students.

"Morning everyone." the teacher says looking down at her desk "Uh today we have a new student who is Gerard. please try and make him feel welcome." He says as the boy stands up. Shoulder length jet black hair, green eyes and a misfits shirt. He gives a glance around the room before slumping back down in his chair.

I bet he doesn't even know who the misfits are. i thought to myself. Just another person who wore the shirt because it looked cool.


I head off to the school library, the only place to have some time to myself. With my headphones in, Stephen King book in hand and not a care in the world.

"Nice Danzig shirt." I hear a deep voice say. I look up and see Gerard standing in front of me.

"thanks." I say as a small smile appears on my face. " I like your misfits shirt. When I first saw you wearing it i thought you just wore it because the logo looks cool."

"Nah i'm a true misfits fan. Thanks by the way."

"All goods. I'm Ivy by the way."

"Nice name.I'm Gerard Way."

"It has a nice ring." I say as he sits beside me.


"So where you from?" I ask him, trying to have a conversation with him.

"Other side of New Jersey. I moved over here as mum got a job over here."

"Oh cool."

"yeah. its good for our family as she'll be earning a better pay." He explains. "But i manged to get a job from a family friend at a comic store for a few times a week after hours."

"Awesome. I like a lot of DC comics."

"that's cool."

"What else you into?" I ask. "besides the misfits and comics?"

" I like drawing. Yeah i do a lot of drawing, and I enjoy listening to bands like iron maiden, black flag, motorhead, stuff like that."

"Awesome. Iron maiden is my all time favorite by the way."

"They're fucking awesome." he smiles. "What are you into?"

"I do a bit of photography, I LOVE horror movies, especially the shinning and the exorcist."

"Nice. Horror movies are the best."

"They sure are." I say as i put my book back in my bag so i could concentrate on Gerard more.

"You drink?"

" Yeah."

"Anything in particular?"

"Nah, i'll drink anything besides wine. Can't stand it."

"You smoke?"

"Occasionally. Me and my best friend used to smoke pot."

"Oh cool, whats her name?"

"Frank. He's a guy by the way." I explain. "He's great guy, haven't seen him since he moved away and began focusing on his music career. Great guitar player."

"Cool. Do you take pills?"

"Uh yeah. Anti depressants, Xanax, for anxiety and sometimes just for the hell of it and sometimes codeine."

"Oh. I'm sorry."

"Nah its fine honestly."

"ok. Do you know where I can go for a quick smoke?"

"Uh yeah, follow me." I say as I get up and he follows me to the back of the field behind  the bushes.

Disenchanted {Gerard Way}Where stories live. Discover now