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"Man where have you been?!" My brother Mikey yells as he meets me halfway across the school field.

"Who was that girl you were with?! You were ditching weren't you?!" 

"She's a friend." I smile, once again, pushing my black greasy hair off my face.

"Whats her name?"

"Ivy. Ivy Armstrong." 

The thought of her came into my head. 

"How many classes did you two skip?"

"The last two. Please don't tell mum, I'm not in the mood."

"Alright." He sighs as we leave the school grounds and walk down the street. "Ray's coming over later."

"Who the fuck's Ray?"

"Ray is a  dude I met today in music. Great guitar player man. He's coming over to jam with me."

"Can I come watch you guys?"

"I don't see why not."He says as i feel my phone vibrate in my jean pocket.

Hey it's Ivy, the girl from school.

that was quick.

Hey :) 

Mikey and I walk home, discussing how our first day went at school. As soon as I got home, I head upstairs to my room to see that Ivy had replied.

What you up to?

I Just got home and i'm gonna watch my brother and his friend ray jam. what about you?

Just lying on my bed. My sister has a boy over and they're doing it upstairs in her bedroom. They're very loud. not even my green day album is loud enough to not be able to hear them.

Poor girl. I think to myself.

Poor you, that sucks :/ What album?


My favorite. 

Same. Platypus (I hate you) is such a great song.


I walk downstairs to mikey's room, who was jamming with the curly headed dude who i'm guessing is ray.

"Hey." I say quietly as I stand at the door and the two of them turn around.

"This is my brother Gerard." Mikey says as I come in at sit as Mikey's desk chair.

"Hey." I say as i run a hand through my hair.

"Hey. I'm ray."

"I heard you're a good guitar player, mind showing me a riff or two?" I ask as he instantly plays a familiar acdc riff on his expensive and well looked after les paul guitar 

He was fucking awesome.

"Thats rad man, you in a band?"

"Nah not at the moment, I would love to do something at some point with some guys. Thanks for the complement by the way."

"All goods." I say as my phone goes off again, I knew instantly it was ivy.

It's the perfect definition of punk. 

You got that right. :)

You gotta play it really loud in my house, especially over my sisters shitty music. Fuck I hate Britney spears.

Me and my brother both listen to the same stuff so its not really a problem in our house but man that must suck.

It sure does.

"Someones popular." says Ray as i look up from the screen of my Nokia.

"He met some girl at school today." Mikey tells Ray.

"Who?" He asks." Don't tell me its Someone like Michelle Armstrong or Izzy smith. Those are the last kind of people you want down your pants"

"Nah its some chick called Ivy. Ivy something. What's her last name Gerard?"

"Armstrong." I say as I look back down at her text.

Man that must be awesome.

sure is.

"That's Michelle's sister."  Ray says. " she's a bit of an outcast. nothing like her sister. From what I've heard since I'm only an 11th Grader, she hasn't got any friends and  spends most her time in the library."

" she said that her sisters upstairs fucking someone right now." i say.

" Yep that's Michelle alright." ray says.

"ivy's really nice and cool"  I say.

"I think someone has a crush." Mikey laughs.

"You wish." I say as my cheeks go pink.

"Dude you should ask her out." Mikey suggests.

"Aww that'd be cute." Ray adds

"I only met her today!" I say.

"Plus I dunno, I've never asked a girl out."

"Don't worry mate, everyone knows shes a virgin, she's not too far in front of you." Ray says

"I'll consider it." I sigh.

Okay. I liked her. There was something about her that told me she'd be the one.

She was perfect. She wasn't exactly small (neither was I) but shit like that didn't matter to me. She had the most perfect laugh and smile, and her views on life weren't any different to mine. live your life however the fuck you want. the system is fucked up and so were we. She had perfect taste in both comics, music and books, She smoked, drank and ditched classes with me.

A few hours later, I had the guts to ask her if she wanted to get a coffee or something tomorrow morning from starbucks down the street.  She agreed to, and we decided to meet up at 7:30. That gave us an hour before first period.

I was up late that night unable to sleep. The thought of her not able to leave my mind. Normally, the reason I'd be up at 2am on a school would be with a gun to my head,  contemplating wether on not to pull the trigger while my wrists bled and I was intoxicated. In the back of my mind suicide would be an escape route. If anything bad happens I'll just do this or this, then It'll be fine, I won't be here anymore. My mental brake down, which occured just after I turned 16 when my grandmother died of cancer, my dad walked out, I was in a fatal car crash with my mum and my best friend killed himself over a girl who she scared him into thinking she was pregnant when she missed her period for 3 months and was also having an affair with his dickhead of a cousin. My brother found me half dead in the bathroom after an overdose on mum's sleeping pills.It wasn't till then that I became self conscious of my body, and my grades slipped drastically. All but my Art.

From then on Mikey was my only friend. Hopefully Ivy is the one person  in my life right now that could change that.

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