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We arrived at my house and I got the keys from the bottom of my school bag. I opened the door, let myself and Gerard in before closing it and locking it behind me.

"This is a nice house." He says as he looks around the living room.

"Its a shit hole."

"But still." He chuckles.

"Alright we have cold pizza, milk, cake, meatloaf and moldy chicken." I say as i open the fridge. "Fuck that." I say as I close it again and open the freezer.

"Ice Cream, frozen meat, Mac and Cheese meals and oven fries."

"Mac and cheese will be sweet."

"Cool, that shit is easy peasy, pumpkin Peasy." I say as I take them out to defrost and preheat the oven.

"What would you like to drink?"

"whatever you're having." Says Gerard as he sits at the kitchen bar and watches me open the liquor cabinet in the living room.

"Vodka or Whiskey?"


"Sweet." I say and bring the bottle into the kitchen before getting to glasses out of the cupboard and pouring vodka in them.

"Thanks Ivy." he says as I pass him a glass.

"It's  okay Gerard."I say and go over to the stereo in the lounge. 

"Alright so we have killers, number of the beast, piece of mind or..." I say as i flick through my iron maiden cds "Live after death?"

"Piece of mind." he says after taking a sip from his glass. " My favorite."

"Nice choice." I say and put it in the player.

"I really wanna go see them in August." I say as i put the mac and cheese in the oven to cook.

"are they coming?" He asks me , his eyes lighting up like a Christmas tree.

"Yeah, didn't you know?"

"no!" He says, "Shit, are there still tickets?"

"Yeah, but unfortunately i don't have a job to earn 60 bucks for tickets." I sigh as I sit facing him at the breakfast bar.

"Man, that would be a fucking amazing concert to go to."

"Hell yeah, Bruce Dickinson is fucking God."

"Fuck yeah you got that right." He smiles.

We talked for ages, we sat there at ate our mac and cheese, both managed to finish the bottle dry together, and I had become a bit tipsy. From what i could remember, I was half drunk, he was a little tipsy, and we both ended up dancing in the lounge to iron maiden. God knows how, with Iron maiden being a full on heavy metal band, it was quite surprising.

After that, the two of us laid down on the floor in the lounge and spent the time talking and venting about life, our wishes, our rants about government issues, religion and whatnot, it seemed like we'd known each other forever. 

There was something about him that clicked for me. In my eyes, he had this feeling he gave me that made me feel something inside. something i haven't felt and almost forgot what it actually felt like. I felt loved. Maybe he was my knight in shinning armor, and I'm the damsel in distress, our worlds suddenly colliding when my knight comes to me.My thoughts were interrupted by the sound of the door closing.

"What the fuck?" i hear my sister's voice say. She walks into the living room and both Gerard and I sit up.

"Who the fuck is he?!" She yells as she looks around at the counter. two empty glasses, an empty bottle of vodka and two empty plates, that were once piled high with macaroni Cheese.

"I'm Gerard." Gerard introduces himself, standing up and running a hand through his jet black hair.

"Where the hell did you find him and talk the poor guy into coming home with you?" She says as she examines his appearance. 

" We met at school. We're friends." I say as I stand up too.

"Oh, you're the kid who got in a punch up, as well as my sister... from what I heard."

"What do you know about it?" I snarl.

"I know... I have my ways."

"It was that fucking bastard wasn't it?"

"Who?..Jake?" She says as she checks her phone. " Of course, i mean, There were other people who were in that class who spread it round too."

"Fucking great." I sigh.

"I see you two have drunk my vodka you thirsty shits."

"It was in the liquor cabinet."

"Still doesn't mean you can touch it."

"Whatever." I say as i roll my eyes.

"Jared, or gerid or whatever the hell your name is." My sister says trying to get his attention.

"It's Gerard."

"Whatever, I just don't understand why you even bothered talking to such a low life like her, I mean, I know you're new to this area of Jersey and shit but you could of at least made friends with some decent people."

"You fucking bitch, Just fuck off and go sext that bloody good fuck of yours!" 

"Nah, fuck you! I'm just trying to talk some sense into you little friend before he starts going out with a wackjob like you! Not that you have a chance with him."

"Dude i met her like yesterday and she's probably the most decent teenage girl in the whole of fucking New Jersey."

"If you don't shut the fuck up now and head up to your room and go chat up some other poor fucker now will you! You know nothing about me, or Gerard or our fucking friendship!"

"Fucking hell, I wish you'd just disappear of fucking kill yourself. You're just like your fucking father except you haven't blown your brains out with a hand pistol yet!"

"Fucking hell, Just drop it and leave her alone!" Gerard says as she rolls her eyes at him.

That's when she crossed the line.

"And you're just like your fucking slut and a bludger of a mother." I managed to say

"fucking bitch." She mutters and heads up stairs as I turn to Gerard, his face in shock from what just happened.

"I'm sorry about that." I stutter, trying not to cry.

"It wasn't your fault. Don't listen to a word that bitch said to you."

"I'm used to it. Honestly." I say as Gerard's phone begins to ring.

"Hello?" He says picking up the phone.

"Yeah, I'll be home soon mom, I was held up at -"

"Mikey told you?!"

"Okay, be there in 10 minutes."

"Bye." He says before hanging up the phone.

"Sorry, I have to go." He sighs, "Mikey got me in the shit about skipping class and all that drama."

"It's okay."

"Will you be alright here?" He asks as i nod.

"Ring me if anything get worse okay? It's all gonna be alright."

"Yep. Thanks for everything Gerard." 

"See ya later Ivy." He says before pulling me into a hug.

"Bye Gerard." I say before he goes and my mental breakdown once again comes into play. 

Disenchanted {Gerard Way}Where stories live. Discover now