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"Ivy!" I hear a soft voice whisper as my eyes flutter open.

"huh?" I mumble and turn my head to see gerard lying next to me. I had almost forgotten why he was in my bed, and was instantly worried that i'd maybe had a bit to much to drink last night - or a lot.

"There's blood on your sheets." He blushes, his cheeks a warm and soft pink. " and your uh.. pants."

The one bloody night I sleep in the same bed as a boy i wake up with my fucking period. 

"Shit!" I say and sit up in the bed

"Don't worry, go have a shower and clean yourself and I'll wash the sheets." Gerard offers.

"You sure you wanna touch them after i bled all over them?"

"Its fine, just go and have a nice shower and i'll deal with it."

"Okay thank you very much gerard." I say as i force myself outta bed and across the hall to the bathroom and i run myself a shower, taking off my clothes and getting in under the warm water which stung my cuts yet soothed the cramps. i step out and wrap myself in a towel, the clothes on the floor had disappeared from where they were placed when I removed them and smelled a strong smell from downstairs.

I walk into my bedroom, the sheets striped and remade, a packet of pads and the shirt he borrowed was folded nicely on the bed. I dried and dressed myself in grey sweatpants, and a misfits singlet before heading downstairs to see Gerard cooking me breakfast.

"Holy shit." I smile as I walk over and sit at the breakfast bar watching him cook.

"Here you go." He smiles and puts two plates of bacon and eggs in front of me and sits opposite me.

"Thanks, you really didn't have to do this." 

"Its fine." he states, "Do you want some pills for cramps?"

"Yes please." I say, but get up myself to get them, "Sit down, you're the guest, You shouldn't have to do this."

"It's fine, I just wanna look after you and stuff, make you feel special, loved, I can't loose you to suicide Ivy, I've lost so many people through death in the past two years its awful, its made me so depressed."

"I'll be fine Gerard." I explain, "as long as I have someone like you around me, I'll be safe."

He smiles as I sit back down and take them before eating the food he made the two of us.

After breakfast, the two of us went up to my room and watched movies for most of day, It was nice having someone to hang out with for a change, and not being treated like shit.

"Do you wanna come with me to work tonight? Its only me there, i just have to stock the shelves with the comics and stuff, I just get really lonely being there by myself, and we could put some music on and just chill."

"Yeah, That'd be awesome. How long do you do it for?"

"Only a couple of hours, I really enjoy it though."

"Sounds cool, what time?"

"Between 7 and 9."


The day passed and two of us spent it sleeping, watching movies and listening to music.

It was about half past three and we hear the front door slam from upstairs, the voices of my sister, and a guy, dragging each other her bedroom to do what was very typical of Michelle- Giving boys blow jobs and getting paid in return. Gerard and I look at each other, we heard the noises and the two of us decided to go for a walk.

"So does that happen often?" He asks as he smokes his cigarette.

"Is that even i question?" I joke. "Nearly every day, but of course mom doesn't know, she's a goody two shoes when mom's around, so what am I? The black sheep."

"nothing wrong with being the different one. You're a lot stronger than them Ivy, I can tell, you've held on so much throughout the bullshit they gave you and your dad, and they way they treated you after his passing. They've slipped under and now look at them, blowing guys, being just general bitches, you see what i mean?" He asks as i nod.

"You're right." I smile " at least im not a drugged out whore like my mum or a slutty cheerleader like my sister."

"That's the spirit." He smiles.

"Could we go back soon? I just want to get a bit of sleep before we go to your work later."

"Yeah thats fine, do you wanna walk to the end of the street where the dairy is and get an ice cream? I'll shout ya."

"Yeah sounds good." I smile.

We arrive at the dairy and get two individual ice creams, gerard had one scoop of hokey pokey and the other rum and raisin while i had Rum and raisin and tripple chocolate chip. 

We walk back to my house and by that time i had finished my ice cream, had some more pain killers for my cramps and got under the covers of my freshly made bed next to gerard.

"Do you want me to set an alarm for like 8?"

"Yes please." I say before the two of us fall asleep next to each other.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 21, 2016 ⏰

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