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"Gerard!" She gasps, her eyes wide as she stares at my touching thighs, the blood had dried while running down the leg and many still raw.

"I'm sorry I didn't understand-"

"It's fine." I sigh as I do my jeans back up and sit down.

"Why?" Her voice trembles, the look of disappointment and horror in her eyes.

"Because life is shitty." I state." I lost my grandma earlier this year"

"I'm sorry-"

"Don't be sorry. She was my rock, I told her everything and she always spoilt me and mikey but that was only because when dad left we only had one wage in the house which was mom's and she worked her ass off, yet we could only just afford basic necessities which isn't cheap in a household of two teenage boys and their mom. I was holding her hand in the hospital as she passed with bowel cancer. I didn't speak to anyone for a while and mom couldn't stand to see me upset so she drove me to a comic convention, gave me 100 bucks which I at first refused to do because of how short on money we were. Then on the way back, it was late and pissing with rain and some drunken ass hit the front of moms car and left me with this." 

I turn around and hold my hair up to show her the ugly and still painful scar on the back of my neck from the piece of smashed glass.

"shit, is it okay now?" 

I nod my head. " It just hurts every now and again."

"What about your mom, was she okay?"

"She broke two ribs and her arm, but shes okay now."

"I'm sorry Gerard, I didn't know."

"Its okay. Then just like you, i got picked on at school, because of my weight and how different I was, and I began drinking, smoking and cutting, and done so ever since."

She passes me another cigarette and lights it for me.

" We're not much different you and I." She sighs.

"Promise me you won't cut again."

"We both know how that'll work out won't we? "

"Just please try and stay clean." I sigh.

"Alright, only if you do the same."

I nod with agreement and finish my cigarette, yawning.

"Fuck its like 4:30." she says, checking the time on her phone and finishing the bottle of whiskey.

"Could I come back to your place for the night if thats okay?" 

"Yeah, thats all good, my sisters asleep so where all good, we can watch a movie if you want."

"the Exorcist?"

"Yeah, that'll be cool." She says as the two of us get up and sneak back out of the cemetary to her house.

"Ignore the mess." She says as we enter her bedroom, the walls covered in posters, an unmade bed, a bookshelf, filled with cds and records, a small cluttered desk and a length mirror in the corner by the window, the floor covered in clothes, tiny drops of crimson blood, magazines and her school bag, which sat open in the corner by the mirror.

"It's fine, my room's not much better." I tell her as she takes off her shoes, puts the empty bottle on the desk and sits on her bed, sighing as the springs creaked under her weight. I sit beside her, it creaks, i hopped that it made her feel a little better about herself.

She bends down and grabs her laptop from under the bed and sets the movie up.

"Did you wanna borrow some clothes?" She asks me as she stands up, putting her arms in her shirt to take off her plain black bra without taking off her shirt.

"Could i borrow a shirt?"

"Black flag or acdc?" She says and opens her drawers.

"Acdc will be fine thanks." 

She chucks me the shirt and I thank her.

"Do you want somewhere to change? the bathroom is across the hall."

"Thanks." I say as I get up and go in there to change, taking off my jeans and shirt, leaving me in black and yellow batman boxers before putting on the one she gave me. I walk back into her room and put my clothes in a pile on the floor. by this time, She had also taken off her jeans and changed her shirt and was now under the bed sheets waiting for me.

I get in under the covers next to her where the two of us lay there silently watching the movie. It wasn't till about halfway through when i noticed she had fallen asleep on me and in doing so i turned off the laptop and fell asleep beside her, my arms around her waist as the two of us slept beside each other peacefully.

Disenchanted {Gerard Way}Where stories live. Discover now