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I woke up early this morning just to get ready to meet Gerard at Starbucks.

I look in the mirror at my body. I was wearing black skinny jeans, combat boots, my best iron maiden shirt ( i own like 6) and my denim jacket, long enough to hide the undergoing battle on my wrists. i had never been a day clean, ever since I fell down the whole of depression and other shit.

I wouldn't be surprised if Gerard wasn't into this. I though as my eyes travel down my body,pointing out each and every flaw. I didn't take long before I broke down into tears. I honestly hated the way I looked, how large I was and how shitty it all made me feel.

After fixing up the eyeliner and mascara that was now falling down my face and trying to calm myself down I collect my  bag, phone and headphones before heading into the kitchen on my way out of the house. It was 7.15 in the morning

"Where the fuck do you think you're going?" My sister asks anxiously as she comes out in nothing but her dressing gown and slippers.

"Out." I mutter and open the fridge.

"Where to? Its 7am." She says and looks at her phone as a I grab the milk carton, take a swig, put it and and grab a piece of  day old pizza from the fridge  as a quick snack.

"You don't need that you're fat enough." She snarls as I immediately feel like shit.

"You fucking bitch." I mutter and walk out the door and down the street to Starbucks.

I arrive at starbucks and sit in a booth waiting for Gerard to arrive by this time it was now 7:35 and I had a feeling he wasn't going to show up.

Typical. I"ve been set up by one of the jocks. i thought to myself as i hear the door of the store open and Gerard walk in. Nope, not a set up. 

I watch him as his eyes scan the booths in search of me, which he did just moments later before he comes and sits facing me.

"Sorry, i slept in. Mikey had to wake me up."

"Its fine, I practically forced myself outta bed."

"I like your shirt." He smiles as I look down to remind myself what I was wearing. 

"thanks, Its my favorite. I have  six Iron maiden ones."

"Awesome. Now what would you like. I'll pay."

"Just a caramel latte. Please" I say as I pass him my coffee card.

"Do you want something to eat?" He asks as he was about to get up from his seat.

Shit. The one thing I NEVER did in front of boys. Eat. 

"Uhh just a muffin please." I stutter.

"You all good?"

"Yeah, I just couldn't decide sorry."

"Its alright. Chocolate?"

I nod.

"Awesome, I'll be right back." He says as I watch him walk off. He was wearing basic black jeans, a plaid shirt and a plain black shirt. He wore red converse and his black backpack on his back.

He comes back with our drinks and sits down.

"Thanks so much Gerard."

"It's alright Ivy." He smiles.

"I have Photography first period." I say as I use the spoon to scoop out the fluffy stuff off of the top of my latte and put the spoon between my lips.

" I have art. I should show you some of my pieces some time."

"Yeah and I can do the same with my photography."  I say as a waiter brings us our muffins that were now warmed up and had butter on the side of the plate in a small dish.

"Do you keep like a folder for all your photography?"

"Yeah, kinda like that. I do different types of photography so I have a few different types of folders, like I have one which is just black and white photos, another is kinda like street photography, but I incorporate alot of different stuff into that besides just people, like i spend a lot of time doing it in cemeteries, parks and dodgey looking places, and then I just have a random folder which I do separately from my school stuff."

"Awesome. I just keep all mine in books and draws and stuff."

" You should do like a board."

"What's that?"

"So it's basically just a board make out of two large pieces of white cardboard taped together then you choose a theme, and then paint numerous paintings to do with the theme."

"That sounds cool, I might give it a try."

"awesome." I smile and take a sip of my latte.

After the two of us finished our drinks and muffins, we set off to school. The weather was pretty normal for this time of year, grey skies and occasional rainfall. We talked of school, what classes we liked and what we hated, what teachers were assholes and which ones were half decent. 

We finally arrived to school, with just minutes to spare, we said we'd meet again next class and went our separate ways.

I walk into English and see him sitting at the back the seat beside him free. I smile at his face as he smiles back and sit beside him.

"How was Photography?" He asks as I watch the jocks walk in. Fuck My life.

"Great." I say as one James, one of them fucking football playing bastards look over at me.

"Hey fatass!"He yells as Gerard immediately stands up and slaps him across the face.


Next thing I know, James stands back up, punches poor Gerard in the nose and he falls to the ground.

"Fucking pussy!"James yells.

I rush over to Gerard, who was half conscious and bleeding from both his mouth and nose.

"You're an asshole James."I snarl as Gerard looks up and looks around the room.

"Don't worry." I whisper in his ear.

"Since when did you have friends fatass?"

"Since when was it your fucking business!"

"Oi! don't speak to him like that!" the teacher yells and walk in the room.

"He knocked Gerard Out!"

" I don't care! " He yells back.

"Not yet i haven't!" says James as he kicks him in the side.

"Fuck You!" Gerard yells in pain."

"All three of you get the hell out of my classroom! NOW!"

James storms out down the hallway and now not only did I have a trip to see the school nurse, but a trip to see the principal for yelling at some stuck up jock. Fuck my life.

"You didn't have to do that y'know." I whisper to Gerard while waiting outside the principals office.

"That bloody cunt didn't have to call you that." He mumbles, and takes another tissue out of the box i was holding to stop from running from his nose. " I don't even understand why you should be waiting to see the principal when he should."

"Well thanks for sticking up for me Gerard." I say as the two of us were called into the principal's office. Fucking excellent.

Disenchanted {Gerard Way}Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang