1. Marionette

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       "Tiki, send a message to Nino that we might have discovered Adrien's location. Just make sure Alya is there when he gets the news, don't want him going on an uncalled for mission." Said Marionette in a monotoned voice. "Yes, Marionette." A pixelated female voice replied. "Should she be equipped with Fox, stealth machine?"

"Ah, no. She can manage without the suit. She can talk Nino out of it if he gets any ideas." Marionette replied as she swiped her hand across a 3D hologram of a newly designed dress.

"Oh and Tiki, tell Max Fury that I know that he and Rose aren't  dead. In fact ask about Rose's Tahiti trip."

"Already done, Marionette." Notified Tiki.

  As Marionette was virtually hemming a new 3D blouse on her holographic projection table a massive -bang- shook the Cheng tower. 

     Marionette sighed and put aside her work. She made her way across the room to double doors with a hand recognition pad on the right side. She placed her hand and the doors swung open. Revealed a metal suit of technologically advanced armor painted red and black with retractable insect wings imbedded into the back.

"Tiki, Spots on!"

  He lashed at her with his claws. Filled with a sudden  unbelievable hatred for the world around him.

"Go away you worthless bug..." He hissed.

"Tiki, get ready for protocol Butterfly. I've got a plan.." Marionette told Tiki, the highly intelligent computer motherboard.

"On it Mari" replied the digitally rendered voice.

  Marionette managed to dodge all of the black cat esc hero turned-villain's slashing talons. She got dangerously close, but knew exactly what she was doing. Right when it looked like she was about to take a nasty scratch to the face, she ducked. Nearly missing the swipe at her she snatched the bell off of the villains neck and proceeded to crush it. A deep purple butterfly emerged from the scrap metal.

"Your not going anywhere little Akuma." Marionette muttered.

   She took out what looked like a circular capsule tied to a string and swung it at the fluttering insect. The tiny containment chamber successfully opened up and snatched the butterfly out of the air.

"Your venom will not poison other innocent minds." She looked as the the purple aura of the Akuma washed out. Revealing a perfectly normal white butterfly.

"Ugh, what happened? Where am I?" A voice asked.

Marionette turned around to see the cat man, though he was just a regular guy in a armoured cat suit. He still had the same appearance, but now that Ladybug had a closer look. She noticed that he wasn't wearing a mask over his eyes, it was just smudged black face paint. He had a white butterfly imprinted on his shoulder. Everything else was just black leathery looking fabric covering every inch of his body except his head. Ladybug held out a hand for him.

"You have been Akumatized. This is Cheng tower and I'm Ladybug." Ladybug replied.

"U-um... Chat Noir I am. I mean!" He started to stutter. "Just call me Chat Noir." He repeated himself in a more flirtatious tone.

"Well then, Chat. Welcome to the Avengers."

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