7. Agent Bee

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" Get out of my way you little pest!!" Threatened Stormy Weather.

" Oh shut it rain cloud. I've got a job to do here and frankly your not helping." I snapped back while shooting my trademark twin stinker pistols.

I was slowly zigzagging my way closer to her. Dodging about twelve lightning strikes in the process. In only moments I got just enough range to get a clear shoot on her parasol. Squinting one eye as I aimed, pressing my finger steadily on the trigger. Boom. A chunk of the umbrella was no longer visible. In its place was a fluttering dark purple butterfly.

" Oh no you don't!" I said while pulling out a red capsule with black spots.

I lunged for the insect, swiftly catching it for Ladybug to later cleanse its poison. I looked back and noticed Stormy in a bit of a daze.

" W-what just happened?" She asked, extremely confused as how she even got herself into that awful super suit she was wearing.

" Here we go again." I sighed.
" Your on team good guys if you like it or not."

[Time Skip]

"Okay here's the training chambers for new recruits." I said with a monotoned voice.

The poor girl was probably still stunned enough, but at this point I don't even try to be sympathetic. I've taken in so many recruits that I can't even remember. This hero thing is way too much work. But nevertheless somebody has to do it. Beep. I peered down at my wrist where the noise was coming from. It was a notification from Fury, the head director of S.H.I.E.L.D, but we just call him Max. I'm obviously the most important one out of the Avengers, since Max trusted me with him not being dead thing. Though it did make me question why he's calling now. He's been in deep cover ever since he quote on quote 'died'.

"Hey, Agent Haprèle!" I called before a small woman colourful hair tied back looked my way.

"Oh! Agent Bee! What do you need?" She responded happily.

"Take Stormy over here and show her around. I have other matters to attend to right now." And with the Agent took Stormy into the massive metal doors that led to the training chambers.

    Once those two were out of site, I rushed to the nearest janitors closet. I approached the wall on the left.

"Agent Bee, permission to see the director." I said aloud.

"Access granted, 4729, Agent Bee." Replied an AI, while the wall slid open.

   I stepped into the secret elevator to the directors private office and the doors slid shut. Elevator music played as a minute passed. The doors eventually opened to the restricted level, where not even level thirty Agents are aloud. And trust me, level thirty is virtually impossible to achieve.

   I stepped out into a large dark hallway with metal pipping streaming the walls. All the way down was a single door in which I heard a few voices from. Odd, being that no more than one person down here to meet Max at a time. I started walking, my footsteps echoed along with the flowing contents of the pipes.

"He's really back?! Sir, that's not possible." A muffled male voice came from the other side of the thick vault like door.

I pushed the door open. Revealing one of my least favourite Agents, boring old grandpa tortoise, a weird looking dude with a bow and arrows along with the one and only Ladybug. All four of them sitting across from Fury.

"What are they doing here?" I snorted


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