3. Jade Shield

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         "If she won't love me, no one can ever love again!!" As Dark Cupid shot three more arrows.

    I rolled into the line of fire before they were about to hit a girl with blonde hair, electric blue eyes and way too much makeup. The projectiles snapped as they hit my shell like shield.

"What took you so long, Cap?! I could have been killed!" She whined.

"You should probably find a safer place Miss. And please, stop calling me Captain France...." I half heartedly groaned.

"Too bad. I am soooo going to trend this now." She snorted and dashed away.

     Man, that girl is such a pain. I regained my attention back on the super archer. He was now about to fire a batch of arrows upon me until I had an idea. I got ready to aim and swung my shield on a corse straight for his bow. Two blades extended out from the disc and sliced the bow in half. The blades of my shield narrowly avoiding contact with Dark Cupid's suit, but just enough to cut the sling that held his quiver. The quiver slipped off and dropped onto the cement sidewalk beneath where he hovered with his beating wings.

      Still stunned I had just enough time to summersault to the sash. Before he registered what I was doing I got a hold of the blood red broach that was pinned to the quivers sling. I crushed the piece of gem in my fist. Came out a dark purple butterfly. As routine I took out a red with black spotted capsule, obviously a little gadget from Ladybug herself. I caught the Akuma mid escape.

"Your not going anywhere little dude." I smirked at the insect, now trapped in the capsule. I pushed a button on the bottom of the mini contaminated chamber and a puff of pink gas enveloped the little butterfly. As it cleared the butterfly was now lying motionless on the floor of the capsule. And don't freak out, it's not dead. It's just asleep for now till Ladybug purifies it.

       I turned expecting to see yet another normal guy, but all I saw was the same Dark Cupid. He looked a dazed and more confused now.

" Who? What? Huh?" He stumbled. I helped him up.

"Hey man, you should probably get some rest. That Akuma probably overworked your brain and body a little too much." I told him as we made our way to Cheng tower.

{Turtle Time skip!!}

  Beep... "State your name and ID please." Said a female voice from the speaker outside the entrance to Cheng tower.

"6374900, Jade Shield." I stated and the doors opened.

        I hobbled inside, supporting the former Dark Cupid with my free arm and dialled the level into the elevator key pad. Level 50. The highest level of Cheng tower, only Heroes like me and Agents of Shield could accesses.

     Ding. The doors slid open revealing an open room with almost every wall looking out upon Paris. Then I saw agent Marionette or agent Cheng most members would call her by.  She was with another person and it looked like she was giving him a tour.

" Think fast, Marionette!" I tossed the capsule with the sleeping Akuma.

     Without even turning her head she one handedly snatched the capsule mid air. She never ceases to amaze me.

"Nice one dudette. Pass that one off to Ladybug after all you are the only agent that has ties with her." I complemented as she chuckled.

     Was it just me or did I see that dude with her just glare me for a good second. Well anyway I had to get Dark Cupid something to lie on, so I laid him down on the living room couch. I walked over to the fridge and got myself a soda. Since I live here as well. All the Heroes do like Agent Bee, Stone wall aka Ivan (we all knew who he is), Fox, and Ladybug. Your probably wondering where Marionette stays. Let's just say she has a few mansions here and there. On the topic of Marionette, who the heck was that guy with her?

      Now that I got a good look at the dude he kinda looks like an Akuma gone good. Villains turing into superheroes isn't uncommon. Heck, Ivan use to be an Akuma called Stone Heart. Man, all the puns I have made up in my head for him. If only I had the right moment to actually use them. But back to that cat looking guy. He was blonde with grass green eyes. Huh I wonder why he looks so familiar?

"Hey Cap." Smiled Marionette.

"Seriously, why is everyone calling me Cap?!" I complained while she just giggled.

"Anyway Jade, it looks like we've got ourselves a new member for our little hero brigade." She tilted her head in cat mans direction.

"Whats his name, before I make up an embarrassing one." I smirked.

"Chat Noir." The cat answered.

"Jade Shield, nice to meet ya." I held out my hand. He looked at it hesitantly before deciding to shake.

       This cat sure is shady, I thought to myself. Before a ding from the elevator interrupted me. I looked up and my brain melted.

"Sup guys!"

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