2. Chat Noir

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"Hotel........Alpha........whiskey........Kilo" as those words echoed in my head the world went dark all around me.

"Ugh, what happened? Where am I?" I croaked.

"You have been Akumitized. This is Cheng tower and I'm Ladybug." A soothing voice replied.

My vision slowly focused on a red and black spotted figure right in front of me. First at her feet, slowly tilting my head till I got a good look at her face. A mask hide her eyes, but she had cute little pig tails that reminded me of flower buds. Then I realised she was staring at me.

"U-um... Chat Noir I am. I mean!"
I started to stutter. What? When did I ever start stuttering?
"Just call me Chat Noir." I corrected myself, smiling nervously. Wait, did I just make that sound like I was flirting with her?

For about a millisecond she gave me the okay your a bit weird look. Then I noticed her hand reach out to help me up.

"Well then Chat, welcome to the Avengers." She said with a warm smile.

I swear I was about to melt. Then for the second time I caught myself spacing out. I quickly snapped myself back to reality and took her hand. I meant to pull myself up, but that was far from what really went down. Pun intended. I tugged and she fell right on me. It didn't hurt. In fact I didn't really feel much since she was so light. I looked down to see her head on my chest. One of her pigtails caressed my cheek. I inhaled her sweet scent of baked goods. What the heck was I doing?!

"I uh. Sorry you were just. Uh." I stuttered once more. What's wrong with me?!

She manage to get herself off of me and standing up again. Her warmth leaving me.

"Strong arm you have. I guess you can just get up just fine on your own." She giggled.

That sound, oh how I cherish it. Hold up?! I just met this girl and already fallen for her. Ugh, knowing me I'll just keep falling. I got up and faced Ladybug. More like looked down, I was a head taller than her.

"Do you have a home you could go back to?" She asked.

I racked my brain for any place that would be a home for me. All I remember was a dark room right before I passed out and woke up to my princess charming.

"No, I don't remember." I said still thinking.

"Huh, that's odd. First your form hasn't faded and you don't remember your life before you got infected." She furrowed her brow in thought.

"What?" I replied bluntly.

"You see Chat, when someone gets infected by an Akuma's venom, or in other words Akumitized, they turn into a villain. A somewhat henchmen for whoever has been sending out this virus."

"Ah. So since I don't remember anything where do I go now?"
I wondered out loud.

"Exactly kitty. And I might know a person who can take you in." She stroked her non existent beard.
"Just wait here for her. She owns the building we are on right now. I'm afraid that I have other matters to attend to. Farewell Chat Noir." Then she ran straight off the building.

I dashed to the edge expecting to see her falling, but all I saw was the ant sized traffic below. She disappeared. As if right on queue I heard someone behind me.

"Hello, Chat Noir. Ladybug told me you needed somewhere to stay?" Greeted a familiar female voice.

I turned around to see a girl about my age with bright sky blue eyes.

"I assume your the person that Ladybug told me about." I smirked.

"Yes, I work alongside her. My name is Marionette Dupain-Cheng. And I'm always here to help when Ladybug requests. After all I am an agent of Shield."

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