4. Stygian Archer

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Hey, I'm Kim. Kim Lê Chiên, a normal dude with a normal life. Right before Chloe came around and stepped on it with her heels. And because of an Akuma. Yes, that sums up my whole situation here, '...Because of an Akuma.'. Pfft.... You know what I mean. Turned into a not so cute Cupid, shot arrows around and generally causing a boatload of havoc. My day was a total disaster. Up until I got saved by Jade Shield.

"Who? What? Huh?" I babbled in utter confusion.

"Hey man, you should probably get some rest. That Akuma probably overworked your brain and body a little too much." His voice bounced in my skull. I responded with a wobbly nod.

He helped me up and the rest was a total blur. All I really heard was other voices mumbling. Then everything went black.

"Sup guys!" A friendly voice chirped.

   I bolted upright. A bit dizzy from my sudden movement it took a moment for the blood reached to my head. Then I started to function better. I looked around the massive living room with windows for walls and the comfiest couch I have ever sat on. I directed my head over where I heard the voice. Standing in the elevator door way was a girl about 16, my age. She had brown hair that transitioned into orange at the ends, a small mole on the left side of her forehead, a pair of hipster glasses and wore a grey tux with an orange tie.

"Alya?" I muttered just quite enough for nobody to notice.

   I recognise her because I swear she is in my first period class at Collège Dupont. She was the best friends with the most talented girl in school, Marionette Dupain-Cheng. Which was even weirder since I saw her helping out another dude.

"Who's the newbie?" She looked in my direction.

But she wasn't asking me, she seemed to be asking Jade. My eyes shifted over to him and.... Was he blushing under that mask?

"I-I uh. Umm-Saved him from an Akuma." Stuttered the hero.

  I couldn't help, but suppress a chuckle. The Jade Shield falling for a normal girl like Alya? This was just to good to be true.

"Nice work Jade." Alya smiled back.

"Wait? Who? Eh?" My mouth automatically spoke for me, man that's embarrassing.

"Oh, sorry there buddy. I'm agent Césaire, but I go by Alya."

"I know- I mean! Uh. Agent?" I stubbled.

"Yup. You know S.H.I.E.L.D? I'm one of those agents who hacks into enemy software and collects all the deets." She grinned obviously proud of her position.

"So is he going to join or what?" Alya asked the green hero.

"I-I honestly don't know. It's his choice." He said more serious than flustered.

"Hold up? You mean I could join the Avengers." I was now internally squealing like a little girl.

"Exactly." Marionette chimed in.

"Heck yeah! Where do I sign up?!" I screamed and everyone bursted into laughter all around me. Except that cat dude. He looked more curious than amused.

"But one thing needs to be made before you join." Said Marionette skeptically.

"What would that be!" I asked nervously. Was it a test? A rase? Approval from the other members of the band of heroes?

"Your super suit, Stygian Archer." She grinned.

Marvelous: "Kwamii's assemble!!"Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant