8. Agent Césaire

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I want to punch that Agent Bee right between her electric blue eyes. She is the most irresponsible, snooty heroine out of the Avengers. And I state this from experience.

You may think I'm just a normal girl, but I'm actually one of the Avengers closest to Ladybug herself. My code name is the Fox, obviously keeping with the animal theme here.

     " If only I can a good place to transform I could probably punch you right now..." I muttered so quietly that I could barely here myself say it.

"Anyways!" Ladybug started,

"I suppose I'll just have to elaborate on what are researchers stumbled upon while hacking into the rest of the Akuma and Hydra data base." Max Fury sighed and turned to face Agent Bee.

"Great. Now it seems like they're working together. Do you even have Agents on it?" Agent Bee huffed.

"Actually we do. Recall the former lead Agent conducting the Tahiti project?"

"Rose?" I asked, wondering why he would be bring up a dead Agent.

"Yes. She's alive and working with a few inhumans to investigate the matter, right as we speak." Max replied grudgingly.

I gasped from the remark. Cap's eyes widened while on the other hand Stygian Archer and Agent Bee either did care about it or already knew. I wouldn't be surprised if Bee was already informed. She may be a pain in the butt, but she is no doubt one of the best Agents in the organisation.

"Yeah. So what about Rose not being dead. What was the real reason we're up here?" Bee interrupted (which she does quite a lot).

"The main reason I've called you guys together is because, we have pinpointed Adrien Agreste's last location."

"What!" Jade yelped.

"Whoa whoa whoa. Back up. Who's this guy your talking about?" I asked.

"Adrien Agreste is the son of Gabriel Agreste which is the distant relative of Red Skull. As we all know his father was Hawkmoth obviously shown by the family resemblance. We were also informed about the three new Akuma victims being Stormy weather, Dark Cupid and Chat Noir. All signs that Captain Butterfly is back in business." Max elaborated.

"One quick question thought. How did you manage a tracker on my old friend?" Cap noted.

"Unimportant." Max quickly replied.

"Right now we have to conduct a team of Agents on finding data on the Agreste's. Any suggestions?" Max Fury added shorty after.

"I know a fellow hacker that used to work for the Rising Tide, her name is Sk-" but before I finished Bee cut me off with.

"Why not have a few Avengers on the job? Things would probably go better."

"Sorry Bee we need you guys to be out were the enemies can see you. I know it isn't comfortable, but if your not accounted for then they will assume something is shady. And when they come to that conclusion they tend to bulk up their security to over nine thousand." Max expressed with a sigh.

A beep came from Max Fury's wrist watch.

"Meeting adjourned, it looks like we have I little problem down in the US with some robot." As Max's voice slowly trailed off.

I looked up at Jade Shield who looked like hadn't fully recovered from the Adrien news. I stepped in closer and laced my figures through his. I could feel his defined muscles tense for a split second until he registered what the situation was and calmed down.

"Ew, the atmosphere your creating here is suffocating me...." Bee complained.

"Hey, shut it Agent Buzzoff. It's none of your beeswax."

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