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"Just go ask for her name."

"You obviously do not know how this works."

Marco sighs as we stand in the middle of the pitch, awaiting for something to do while the rest of the team was in front of the net, fooling around with the ball. And if you guessed it, yes, she's here again.

She seemed to always catch Erik's eye, regardless of the navy sweatshirt and black jeans she wore. Even in the plainest clothing, she would always be on his mind no matter what. First, it was the noticeable tattoos on her forearms and the way how she struggled to run around during games or training, trying to capture the perfect shot of someone scoring a goal or gloriously handling the football. Now, he had no excuse.

"Erik," Marco said, looking at his teammate, who he caught looking at her as she knelt down, camera up to her face, "your cheeks are turning red again."

He snapped back into reality, his hands immediately coming up to his cheeks. "I-It's just cold!"

How many times had he used that excuse? Doesn't matter because everyone knows that Erik is madly blushing at the girl with the expensive camera over in the corner.

"Just say hi for God's sake!" Marco suggested, obviously getting tired on Erik's resistance from socializing from the girl he so has a crush on. "There's nothing wrong doing that, is there?"

But he simply shook his head. "No."

Marco sighed again, pinching the bridge of his nose. He does not know why in the world he would come to him for advice on how to talk to a girl when he isn't even going to take it! "Erik, you're not going to make any progress if you won't talk to her."

Keep in mind that this is coming from a twenty-six year old with a girlfriend whom he met over the internet and talked to everyday. So you would think that Erik would take his advice seriously. He wants to, but he is too shy and timid when it comes to someone like her.

"If you don't talk to her," Marco continued, redirecting his view somewhere else, "Matze will go over to her and start flirting with her."

Erik shook his head once again. He wouldn't, would he? Wait...

His head immediately turns to her faster than it has ever done, even when his mother yelled that dinner was ready when he was a young kid. And what he found was friend, Matthias Ginter, posing in stupid poses in front of her. And she was laughing!

Laughing! Erik would give up all his money to hear her giggle once! At least once!

"Here, get my good side." Both men could hear him nonchalantly say that as she laughs, taking pictures of Matthias in the most ridiculous pose possible.

There's no doubt that Erik is wildly jealous of Matthias. Making her laugh, and him immediately falling head over heels over her laugh that it was like addicting, he wanted to hear more. He also wanted to go over there and tell him to back off his girl. Although, she isn't his girl... yet.

And if there's one guy who's going to get the name of that beautiful photographer at the outside corner of the pitch, it's going to be Erik fucking Durm. He's so sure of it, yet he isn't even doing the effort.

"Did you get it?" Matthias asked her to which she nodded, grinning at the pose he was in. His hands on his hips while he was kneeling on one knee on the pitch. Erik couldn't believe at a such a stupid pose. "Here, let me take my shirt off."

If Erik wasn't so shy, he would have gone over there faster than his personal best run time and grab the girl by hands, pulling her away from Matthias, who could potentially ask for her number and a date today.

But Matthias does take off his shirt, and she does not seem to have a problem with that because she's taking a picture of him shirtless. Rock hard abs and muscular, Erik has the same, so why wouldn't he do it as well? Then again, it would confuse the fuck out of Marco as to why he suddenly took his shirt off. And everyone else.

It's not like he wouldn't want to do it. Just for her.

"You like?" Matthias asks again, and she just shakes her head, still grinning as she continues to take pictures of him shirtless.

Thank God she didn't nod or say yes, because if she did, Erik would have ripped his shirt off and gone over there. He wonder just how he can get her attention because she's always on his mind, and he doesn't know how she did that. It was gradually, then suddenly.

Matthias gets up from the pitch and starts to walk over to her, Erik swears to God that if the little twat asks her out, he's going to lose it.

She lowers her camera and smiles, like she was meeting someone new. She is, but she's smiling like she's about to meet the love of her life.


God bless you, Marco.

Matthias freezes and looks over to Marco and Erik's direction where Marco is gesturing him to come over. He looks surprised but jogs over, and Marco wraps his arm around his shoulders and purposely walks away, talking to him about something that Erik could not decipher.

It also made sense that Marco would pass him a football right when the girl walked over to where Erik was and kneeled down, the camera up to her eyes.

Okay, Erik, this is your chance. Go over there and ask for her name. It's that simple.

Maybe not that simple, but you should be able to do it.

But Erik did not go and ask her what her name was, no, he began showing off all of his tricks with the football. Get her attention, right?

I'm sorry for Erik's terrible understanding on how to get a girlfriend. He read it on some Cosmopolitan article online that he had trouble reading because it was in English. No more relationship articles for him.

He didn't know if she was impressed by his tricks or if she was simply doing her job. Either way, he was still going to be the guy who would get her name and phone number.

But at this rate of not talking to her at all, he's wondering just how he's going to get her name. Maybe he could read those articles about getting along with girls—wait, nevermind. Not going to work. There's always Marco, who is currently in a long-distance relationship with his Russian girlfriend that he met in very weird circumstances, that could help him.

It's funny how Erik seems so confident about this and how is it he who would be dating her in a few weeks because he really isn't.

The poor boy is too shy to even ask her to take a picture for him. And she's a professional photographer for Borussia Dortmund! His own football team!

But seriously, Erik must really be thinking about this because he is still doing tricks with the football, and the girl is focused on capturing a different moment now.

One day, he thought, stopping the football with his cleat. One day I will get that beautiful photographer's name and number. And that's not a dream, I will do it.


so here is another chapter for you all because i love you and this story is going to be bomb as shit (probs not but i hope so).

it's 11:40 where i live right now and it's a school night, but i finally had caffine and i'm not going to be tired anymore. just sick of school and also because some kid in my french class sneezed in front of my face the other day. cough drops are my best friend.

i. love. you.


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