Chapter 9- Long Day

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*Not Edited*


I stood in front of my father's statue, waiting for Mal and the other to return. I couldn't help but think of Mal finally finding her father. She didn't say much about him over the phone call, but I hoped to meet soon.

I saw out of the corner of my eye a small flash. I turned and saw that Mal and the other appeared beside my father's statue when the light faded away.

"Hey, you're back." I said, giving each of them a small hug.

"Well, let's just say that we found some things more magical than you can imagine." Evie told me.

"Well, you got here just in time, the new students should be here at any moment."

"Great," Carlos said sarcastically. Evie, Jay, and Carlos went to talk with the other VKs who were nearby, awhile I stayed with my girlfriend.


"You found your dad," Ben said to me, "where is he?"

"He stayed hidden in a forest, but the journal was just parts of his imagination." I told him.

"Oh, well then I suppose you're going to skip that part in your presentation?"

"Yeah, but I'll put in something on where he was."

He was about to say something else but the gates opened. The limo stopped in front of the statue and Ben and I made our way places.

Evie POV

I was standing next to Doug, who was holding onto my hand, when the limo driver came to the back door. I, along with almost everyone, was expecting that they were going to argue over something silly. But when he opened, the door they all calmly came out.

I remembered all of them, Vitani, Uma, and Harry, and they were usually with their siblings.

"Hello, and welcome to Auradon Prep." Ben said. "I'm Ben, and you likely know almost everyone here, especially your family members."

Kovu and Scarlet walked to Vitani, along  Harriet and CJ with Harry and Susan with Uma. They all looked into eachothers eyes and stared. They all each did some sort of handshake.

(Susan and Uma)

(Harry, CJ, and Harriet [at :34])

(Scarlet and Vitani)

(Kovu and Vitani[from 1:19-1:28])

Each did a different kind of handshake or dance, and in the end they smiled.

"Okay that was weird." I muttered

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