Chapter 12- A Not-So-Friendly Game

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*Not Edited*

Evie POV

After school yesterday, I met up with Audrey, Jane and Lonnie to go keep an eye on Mal. She zoned out a few times, and did the same spell in the middle of the night in front the Beast statue. We didn't know why she kept repute same spell, but we knew that it happened whenever one of her eyes turned red.

It was the day of the Villain Kids VS. Auradon Kids tourney game. In the half time break, the cheer squads on both will have a small cheer battle. Audrey was the leader on hers and and Mal and I were the leaders on ours.

Everyone went to the tourney field, preparing for the friendly game. Mal was allowed to come with us, but wasn't allowed to attend the halftime show.

"Without me you don't have enough members to compete." Mal said, while I was stretching.

"Well I chose an understudy to fill in my place since I'll be in you place."

"Aren't understudies used for theater?"

"Why can't we use it for other things?"

"That doesn't exactly answer my question. Who's your 'understudy' anyway?" She said.

"Uma, she's been practicing." It got quiet between us. Mal looked out to the field and saw Ben in his blue jersey, while out team had black and green made by the sewing club. "I should tell him."

"Tell who what?"

"Tell Ben about the prophecy, and that's what's making freak out." She told me.

"I thought you said you were going to tell him yesterday."

"I couldn't figure out how to tell him. I can't just say 'Hey Ben, I'm going to
Free this monster who's going to destroy the world, and there's nothing that can stop me.' I'll have to tell calmly and alone."

She was facing me and Ben was coming over, "Here's your chance."


Evie went and gathered the cheerleaders, while Ben came up to me. He smiled, his hair moving with the breeze, and shiny blue helmet under his arm.

"Ben, hi." I said.

"Hey, glad you can make it."

"Hope you win,"

"Hope you win too."

"Let's just hope it's a tie." I laughed

"Seems fair enough." He chuckled. I smiled and so did he. I knew I had to tell him, but I need the right moment.

"How's the new students?" I asked.

"They adjusted quickly to living here. Jay got Vitani on their team."

"That's cool. I think it's really nose allowing girls to play."

"No one ever brought it up until you all came along." The buzzer rang, which meant the game was about to start. Ben kissed me on the cheek before going back to his team.

"Did you tell him?" I turned to see Evie, with Jay and Carlos.


"He's has to know eventually." Carlos said.

"I know. After the game, I'll get Ben alone with me and tell him."

They looked a little unsure but then nodded. Jay and Carlos got onto the field and Evie with the cheerleaders. Both teams shook hands with the other teams.

Everyone on both sides were excited, waiting to see which side would be victorious. When the ball was shot into the air, the game began.

Carlos POV

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