Chapter 16- Unexpected Help

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*Not Edited*


The earth violently shook, making everyone drop to the ground. I saw Audrey was bleeding. Before I could do anything, I saw that the beam of light create a large figure with horns and wings. I quickly carried Audrey bridal style to the dorm rooms.

When we reached main lobby, Carlos was in his wolf and Doug and Jane were on him. Evie, Ben, and Diavol came. I saw that Ben had a wound on his casted arm, Evie and Carlos looking weak and Jane had a burn mark on her stomach.

"We need to heal them first." Doug said. He went through a few shelves before finding the first aid kit.

I quickly cleaned the wound on Audrey and wrapped a bandage around her arm. Lonnie rewrapped Ben cast, while Carlos, back in his human form, went by Jane.

Carlos POV

"Can you walk?" I asked Jane. She started to slowly get up, wincing through the pain, but then nearly collapsed taking the first step. Lonnie gave her a long stick, which Jane used to keep her balance.

"What do we do now?" Evie asked.

"The Black Death has been free, the only one who can destroy him is the one who freed him." Diavol explained

"That's means it has to be Mal."

"But we don't know where she is."

"Until we do find her, the Black Death will suck in all the magic in Auradon." There was another rumble and we looked outside. The Black Death opened his mouth, which sucked in some magic.

"We need to hide the students." Ben said, getting up "spread out and tell everyone to meet in the tourney field."

Jane POV

Carlos turned into his wolf form, and layed next to me. He motioned me to get on him, and I did. Jay kneeled down and Audrey rode him piggyback.

We each went in different directions. Carlos ran around the whole school, while I yelled to everyone to go to the tourney field. It didn't take long for everyone to see why.

When we made it to the field, there was another loud rumble. With the Auradrone recording what happened outside, we saw the Black Death going to the Isle of the Lost.

He started to bang on the barrier, and it soon shattered. He then grabbed the island by the edges and lifted it up. It broke away from the ocean, while he suck away their magic and powers.

When he finished, he smashed the Isle back into the water, but was connected it to Auradon. He turned and roared at the camera, before it shut off.

Jay then stomped on the ground and moved his hands apart. A large hole appeared with some stairwell. A few of the students went in, but the earth rumbled again.

They all turned to the forest, and saw the Black Death. He started to was about to suck in magic, but a nothing happened to me or my close friends. The other AKs were slowly grew weak. We were all a bit shocked, but all ran in the hole. I looked back, and saw that the monster turned them into statues.

It was dark but then Jay lit a small fire. We were in the hidden cave that was under part of the school, and we huddled around.

"Why didn't anything happened to us?" I asked.

"Mal must've knew that she couldn't stop this," Diavol explained. "So she left some sort of protection spell on her best friends."

"What are we going to do?" Evie asked.

"We'll need help." Jay said. "We won't be able to stop him with just us."

"What if you had your parents?" We all turned to see Angela, with the Villains behind her.

Evie POV

It grew quiet, while my mother walked up to me. Jafar and Cruella did the same, they walked up to their children. She looked at me then at Doug. I noticed that she didn't have her makeup, and she always did. She then hugged me, and Doug.

"I'm sorry. I never saw how much you've done without beauty." She whispered. I heard her cry, and I slowly did the same.


My dad looked at me than at Audrey. I grabbed my hand, and hers. He brought them to each other so we were holding hands.

"I now see that you've made your choice." He said. "You chose not to grow up and be a thief, and I can now accept that."

"Thank, dad."

Carlos POV

"Why are you here?" I said, sounding rude.

"Well a giant monster just took away our magic and abilities, so we haven't changed."

"Then why don't you leave me alone?"

"I want to apologize for how I treated you." That caught me off guard. She never once apologized. "I jus wanted nothing to change when I was banished."

"I know that."

"I just wanted to forget that I actually lived in a prison."

"You never treated me once like a son!" I yelled out. I felt some tears in my eye.

"I want to change that. Let me help you defeat this monster, and if you still want me to leave and never see you again, then I will." I looked at Jane, and I get that she wants me to my mother a chance.

"Fine, but we need Mal to destroy him, none of us can do anything."

"Mal is still alive," Jay said out loud, "but we don't know where she is."

"She could be in the tunnels." Diavol said "I just need small group to come with me to help find her."

"I'll go." Ben told him.

"So will I." Angela said.

"Good. Now for the rest of you, think of a plan to slow down the Black Death."

"What about us?" The Evil Queen asked.

"Until we defeat this beast, you'll stay here. If you proved that you changed, then you can stay in Auradon."

A/N- I know what you might be thinking, "What just happened!?"

Well since I made Maleficent good, why can't the ret if the Villains have a chance. So yeah.

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