Chapter 20- True Magic

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*Not Edited*

Angela POV

As Mal continued to give out bright light, I felt a bit different. I looked at Diavol, who I noticed as he turned into a dragon. He had slack scales, and horns like I did.

I was that Ben's eye glew a brighter blue, and he too turned into a beast-like creature. He had similar feature as his father, but had larger horns (Beauty and the Beast[2016]-Beast).

I too felt a slight change. I felt as if I grew wings, and I did. The were so big, i felt them drag behind me. I felt my horns grow back through my hair as well.(Maleficent[2014])

Mal then flew away from the lake, so we followed. Ben went on Diavol as he and I flew after our daughter. We continued to follow her, until we reached clear land near a small pond. We found all of her friends who came to us.

"What's going on?" Carlos asked.

"Mal found her true purpose." I explained. "To defeat to Black Death."

Evie POV

Right on cue, he appeared. We all stepped up, standing side by side. I heard someone running behind us. We turned around to Kovu and his sisters, along with some of the other VKs. The Black Death appeared in its monstrous form. We immediately attacked.

Lonnie brought up vines and held him in place, while everyone else attacked. I turned myself into Jay, and flung large boulders and him. I also created ramps which led up higher to where his wings were.Chad climbed quickly on him, while Doug used his crystals as spears. Jay and Audrey tried to freeze him, while Jane rode wolf Carlos onto a ramp and attacked him with her magic .

Diavol and Angela flew up and blinded him with fire. The other VKs used their abilities to fight him too; Kovu, Scarlet and Vitani were lions, CJ and Harriet had their sword, and so on.

Mal only stood there and had enough of what was happening.

"Stop!" She yelled out, she then stopped everyone from attacking. We walked to her as she stood in front us. The Black Death turn to his human form and said "You lived I see."

"Yes I have."

"What can you do against me? I can take away all the magic in the world!"

"That's just it, magic can be created as long as there one thing."

"And in the world is that?"

"Love!" With that, she blasted a large amount of magic at him. As he was hit, some magic left his body. Mal's eyes glew, and she blasted him again.

"Love can heal." She said before blasting more magic.

"Love can free you." Everytime he got hit, more and more magic escaped his body.

"I was healed by love, I was freed by my family and friends." Magic started to grow brighter around us, and Mal started to fly a bit. "This is what I love, this is my home! You and not anyone will ever take love away!"

She then blasted him one last time and more bright blinded us all once again.

Carlos POV

The light faded away, and the sky was once again clear. Everything was green and fresh, like how it was before. I looked to Mal, who had a cloak and smiled.

"We can now live in peace

"Carlos!" I turned around to see my mom running to me, along with all the villains and heroes. I ran to her, and have her a hug.

"I'm so glad you safe." She whispered.

"You really do care, do you?"



I looked through the crowd for my dad as Audrey followed me. I then felt someone tap my shoulder, and turned to see him.

"Dad, I'd for you to meet someone." I told him, "This is Princess Audrey, my girlfriend."

"Just call me Audrey." She said while holding her hand. He shook it, and smiled

"Pleasure to meet you."

Evie POV

My mother found me, and she gave me a hug. I smiled and felt tears in my eyes.

"Mom, this is Doug." I said, "You saw him before."

"Really?" Doug asked

"Yeah, it's a long story."

"Pleasure to meet you." She said while shook her hand.

"Excuse me," Ben called out. We looked around and saw Ben and Diavol human again. "I can see that the villains change. I've decided that they don't cause trouble,then they'll be allowed to live in Auradon."


Everyone cheered, hugging their parents, while I walked up to Ben.

"Listen Ben, I know we broke up," I told him. "and I somehow came back when you kissed me, but I just feel like-" I was cut off by him telling me to shush. He leaned to my lips and kissed me. I kissed back, and was a bit surprised.

"You still love me." I said.

"Who ever said I stopped?" I smiled, and saw that he really did mean it.

"May I have everyone's attention?" My dad called out. There a small space between us and them, creating a small circle.

"Angela, since the day we first met, I knew that you had good in your heart. Even after your curse and banishment, I knew that deep inside, you knew that what you did was wrong."

He pulled out a small box from his pocket, and got down on one knee. My mother gasped and had small tears in her eyes.

"We never made our marriage official. Will do me this honor and marry me?" She looked at me and I nodded.


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