A/N Important message

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A/N hey you guys. please read please this is very real I believe this one hundred percent please there is message in here for you I swear just please take the time to read put away your religions and sexuality and other beliefs away for a second lets just put a pin in them I know that's hard I would act the same if someone said this about my religion and my beliefs and my sexuality it's only natural I promise that will not come up please read this there is a message in here for you I promise  but please read what I have to say this ain't about reads or likes or anything but this it's very serious please just about it I want nothing but to help you bring you closer to God before its to late. people say God has a reason for everything correct. Put this into speculation maybe there's a reason why God let me find Smosh a very unholy and not very christian thing which I still love maybe God wanted me to write a fan fiction gain over 9.5k reads there has to be a reason and maybe it's this.

If your still with me thank you if not I only hope that God leads you another way to come to him. But if you read what is said above if not here it is again.

Like you read hurricane Matthew is supposed to be hitting Florida on 10/7 if you are in the area I hope gods Angels are protecting you from all danger that may occur

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Like you read hurricane Matthew is supposed to be hitting Florida on 10/7 if you are in the area I hope gods Angels are protecting you from all danger that may occur. With that being said in

Mathew 10:7 go "and announce to them that the kingdom of heaven is now"

now by this we believe it is talking about the rapture and to announce of its existence. What I am doing now but I read this on Instagram something a friend posted but when I looked up a scripture to caption when I repost it I found this.

Mathew 24:7 "for nation shall rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom and there shall be famine sand pestilences and earthquakes in diverse places"

Watch the news knowing this what you read how you hear about war's and disease and shortage and disasters as in earth quakes or storms in that matter. How about this one.

Mathew 16:3 "and in the morning it will be stormy today for the sky is red and overcast you know how to interpret the appearance of the sky but you cannot interpret the signs of the time"

Like the scripture above said you can interpret night or day by signs. like the sun which tells us it's morning or the moon which tells us it's night but you cannot interpret the time by these signs get what I'm saying here. So we don't not know the time the rapture but we could tell by the signs that it is soon. Read this

Daniel 12:4 "even to the time of end many shall run to and fro and knowledge shall be increased"

Again about end times but i underlined knowledge what am acknowledging you about the end time so knowledge about it is being increased. There was a preaching I heard from a great man named Clayton Jennings he's a young christian man who preaches all over social media about hope and faith in the Lord check him out he's got a very young compelling holy vibe that helps us millennials understand more. He read us this scripture that may explain how your feelings about what I am telling you.

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