Chapter 5: Trying to Hide

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Hey guys! Sorry I haven't posted in a long time, I had a huge writer block. This chapter is dedicated to JonathanBlaylock. He gave me the idea for this chapter so go follow him and read his books cause they are great! So enjoy the chapter and thank him for helping me with this chapter.


Chara's P.O.V

As we are walking home, I can't help that I want to cry. I trying hard not to, but when we reach the house I run in and got to the basement. I sit on a old box and cry, 'I should have known that Mercy would reject me! Who would love me. I am a terrible person!" A scream out at my self
"hey kiddo you alright?' I here a low voiced person say behind me. I turn to see old comedian.
"Hey Comedian," I say and wipe away tears, "I just trying to get over some thing, that is all,"
"so they rejected you eh?" He said siting down next to me as I feel the box start to bend in.
"Yeah, I mena I don't know what I expected," I said looking down at my shoes.
"maybe it is cause you put them on the spot? you know they are looking for you right now," he said as he pulled out a bottle of Ketchup.
"Why would Mercy be looking for me?" I said as I look up at him.
"i dont know kiddo, well I better get home before pap wakes up," He say and then walks off.

Frisk's P.O.V

I see Chara run inside and dissapear out of sight. I go in and look around for them, but they are no were to be seen. Why did they run of like that? Oh right.... I rejected them. I got to say sorry! i try to fix things!  I run into our room, but they weren't there. I ask everyone were they are but no one knows were they are. "Chara! Were are you!" I yell as I walk around the house. then I hear a people talking in the basement. I walk down slowly and see sans and Chara talking. Sans walks away and then Chara gets off the box and start walk twords the exit with there head down. Oh no I got to get out of here! I run out of there as quitly as I can and run up into my room. I got to do something they seem so sad. "hey frisk why in such to get in here?" I here something say behind me. I look to see flowy sit in his pot on the dresser.
"Oh it is just you Flowly." I say with relife, "I just need to get... to bed yeah that is it!" I say and jump into my be.
"Golly you are on wierd kid Frisk," flowly said and then went back to looking out the window. Ugh what am I going to do... I hope Chara will be okay. I  determind to help chara but I will let them dela with this on their own until they need me.

A Love of EnemiesNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ