Chapter 6: Trying to Help

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      What can I do to help Chara?? I go downstairs and see mom. "Mom! I need your help"

      "What can I do for you my sweet child?" She says on a sweet calm voice as she looks down at me.

      "What does Chara like?" I look a up at her pleading.

      "They loves chocolate and.. and" She says as she trails of in thought.... "I don't know what else? Hope that was helpful." She says with a sweet smile.

      "It was thanks mom!" I run up to myroom and as I'm about to open the door I hear someone.... no two some ones talking inside..


      "Chara can you stop crying...If you are going to cry. Do it on me so I can be wateres" Flowey says

      "Azzi this ain't the time for jokeing...." I say and look up at the sky. "The sky is so pretty... Azzi renember we where younger weused to draw the underground to see who was the better drawer?"

      "Yeah I would love to say I was better but I would be lying... you where ten times better than I would ever be."

      "Nah, you where better..... I wish I could draw the sky... I never got to do that..." I say and sigh....


      That is it drawing!! I will get here a scketchbook!! I run downstairs and tell mom I was leaving. I hoped on my bike and rode all the way to the art store.

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        I came out with a leather black sketchbook, a setof colour pencils, and a par of chocolate. I put it all in a bag and atached it to my handdle and rode home. Iswing the door open and run up to my room slowly opeon the door to see Chara asleep at her desk. I see flowey asleep next to them. Wait hpow do flowers sleep?? I softly place all the stuff next to them and write a small note to go with. Iwalk down stairs to go play some street fighter over at sans house.


       I wake up and look at the bright blue sky. I look over at Azzi who looks peaceful in his sleep. I feel some thing cold touch my arm and look over. I see a sketchbook, colour pencils, a bar of chocolate, and a note. I pick up the note, "I'm sorry Chara so here are some gifts. Now tou can draw the sky like have always wanted to. Love, Mercy P.S. Hope I can make this up for you"  I look over at the sketch book and smile. I pickup the sketchbook and hug it.  You've done enough. Wait why did they sign as Mercy?

Hey sorry this one took so long... I was busy with other things. Oh and if you see me using giveing male or female pronones tell me so I can fix it... they will be givin genders soon.... let me know how I did on the emotion... did it seem said enough

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