||A World Within You||

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Excerpts From A Book I'll Never Write:

The thing about being impulsive is,you dive head first into the problem,thinking you'll be able to figure it all out in the spur of the moment.But then you just end up hitting your head against the wall,with your head cracked open and you have your brains spilling out.And every single time this happens,you wonder:"Why?".

After a lot of cracking my head open,rushing into things even before I considered if it was meant for me and all the other impulsive things you can think of,I finally decided to slow down.
I've only started this,but I can already tell it's the best decision I've made so far.Slowing down lends you time to think.To think about what you really want and what you really feel,in other words it helps you understand yourself.

To a person who's only used to rushing into things head first,understanding themselves is such a new concept because they ended up doing the things they didn't want to because they didn't understand themselves as much.Trying to understand yourself is the best effort you can make,because you understand the world only when you understand yourself.And that my friend,is how you know that an entire world dwells within you.When you figure this out,that's when all those fancy quotes about life's beauty start making sense.Those quotes weren't quoted without a reason.

So go ahead,I implore you to discover the world within you.It'll be hard at first.You'll have to fight the demons in your head.It'll be a war.You'll probably even go crazy.You'll break down and then you'll experience a positive psychological rebirth.Just as peace is restored after the storm,you'll be at peace after the war.

The chaos within you?
Embrace it.

The more you get lost,the more you find yourself.

And every single time,it'll blow your mind in different ways.

But I warn you,do this only if you have courage.The courage to keep going no matter what.Whether it's cancer,depression,break-ups,the loss of a loved one or anything that completely shatters you as a person,you need to find it in you too keep going.

Half of the journey to peace of mind is to just keep going no matter what.

Peace of mind isn't a myth,it's still there.It's set deep within you in your deepest,darkest core.You only have to reach in to find it.


[A/N:I really have no idea how to about this,so I'm just randomly writing what I feel here.Vote if you liked it and comment to let me know how you feel:)]

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