||Undying Flame||

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Ticking seconds and flying time ,
I'm claiming what's mine.
I know it's too soon.
I'll always dance to hope's tune.
Too soon to catch a glimpse of eternal darkness,
Words on paper won't waver my robustness.
I'll never be death's to claim,
It takes more than this to put off my undying flame.

A/N:I know I said I'd update about all those who helped me get through my cancer days.
I was a little distracted by exams, which were very important.
But just about then, the unexpected happened.
My cancer relapsed.
The last few days have been hard but I'm not losing hope and I never will.
So I will continue writing Take A Fall. I guess this isn't the end.

Special thanks to Maztinit  Nae_Albert  feminovelist  Daydreamer_Annie   emilia95   for cheering me up.
I'm immensely thankful to have been a part of your lives.

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