||Ghosts Of My Past||

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Feeling blue,
Everything seemed too bad to be true.
I never knew or understood my flaws,
Untill depression came,tearing me apart with it's claws.
Salt to my scars,
'Happiness' seemed like a destination afar.
Constantly being judged from head to toe,
I couldn't tell who was friend or foe.
Constantly getting stabbed in the back,
I was train wreck railing off track.
So I withdrew from life and turned cold as stone,
Assuming life would get better once I'm alone.
Little did I know,
That sadness only comes and never goes.
I sat there,dying at a pace so fast;
Haunted by the ghosts of my past.


[A/N:Anybody who lives in India,please go check out live,love,laugh.org if you know anyone who is suffering from depression.I've known from personal experience that depression is still deemed as a myth in India and people still think the ones with depression do it for 'attention'.Depression is a serious illness,and those who fail to realize it....well let's just say I pity them.
I'm finally seeing serious steps being taken to spread awareness about depression and I'm so grateful for that.
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Have a good day:)]

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