||Words and Unworthy People||

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After spilling a million droplets of ink,

After spending an unfathomable number of words,

It dawned upon me that some people just aren't worth writing about.

They don't deserve  to be immortalized by our words.

The amount of power a writer holds in their hands is awe worthy.

Crafty people,us writers are.

We can make a simple moment seem so nostalgic and dreamy;

We can voice the opinions of those who aren't heard;

We can make people live beyond death.

So be careful who you write about.

Chances are,they don't even deserve it.


[A/N:I don't know why,but this one is close to my heart.It isn't a poem.And I'm not sure if one can call this a rant.It's imperfect,but I love it the way it is.Vote,comment and share if you liked it!Have a great day:)]

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