||The Beginning of The End||

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I've decided to formally end this book,poetry collection,whatever you'd like to call it.I usually don't do endings for my books,but for Take A Fall,I feel the need to make an exception.Maybe because it's my only work that is actually based off of my life.And all these poems were written in times of pure joy,happiness,heart wrenching sadness,pain and most of all,I was awake during it all.One year ago,my world was so little.But once cancer decided to waltz in,every experience broadened my perspective.I'm glad to have had such an experience because even though it was very hard,it taught me the simplest joys of life.It taught me that random acts of kindness matter.It taught me that life always turns out for the best,if not in your favour. It taught me that now is the time to say everything you want to say,do everything you want to do and eat everything you want to eat. It taught me that we're all no different from each other in any way,but we just make it complicated because we can. And I'm glad to have understood all of this at such a young age. It doesn't seem like much,but it did make a big difference in my life.

With that said,I didn't become the person I am today without a little help.So I've decided to dedicate the upcoming chapters to the people who helped me become the person I am.

To my parents and the rest of my family,who stood by me despite all my flaws,thank you.

To my friends,who were true to me when I needed it the most,thank you.

And you always save the best for the last:

To all those who have been patient enough to read this book,to all those who took their time with me,thank you.

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