||The Grand Scheme Of Things||

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Excerpts from a book I'll never write: 

I stared into the mirror,

And my lifeless vessel stared back at me.

"Is this battle worth fighting?",I ask as tears stream down my face.

"Yes,it is.",she says with her head held high,without a single trace of tears in her eyes.

I stare back at her,benumb and filled with dubiety and wonder.Does she even understand the perplexity of the turmoil we've been propelled into?

"You'll fabricate memories that will traumatize you.But look closer,they aren't memories.They're lessons.You'll go to battle as a weak soldier,but you'll emerge as a wiser and stronger warrior.Trust me,it is worth fighting.",she said,her eyes seething with ambition.

That is when I knew that the Universe has a bemusing design to thrust lost souls into conforming to their destiny.It was The Grand Scheme Of Things. 


[A/N:Vote,comment and share it if you liked it!Wouldn't really call this poetry,but it's all I had today.Have a good day people:)]

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