Chapter 1: Unspoken Clarity

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After nine or so years of being a kid, I've learnt that adults say a lot of things. Some of them can be useful, like "the forecast says it's going to rain this afternoon", or "if you're hungry, there are some leftovers in the fridge,". Most of them are annoying, like "it's going to rain this afternoon, so make sure you bring an umbrella," or "those leftovers happen to be your Auntie Mani's homegrown Brussel sprouts, they're delicious.".

Regardless, everything that's left is pretty much just confusing.

They say to always stay true to yourself; that it's okay to be a little different. They say to never forget where you come from, that respect is the most important thing, and so are proper manners. They'll tell us to be careful, but also to take risks. To step outside our comfort zone - and to try new things.

(I'd like to point out that if we were meant to step outside our comfort zone, it wouldn't be called a comfort zone.)

I've learnt that adults are also never afraid to just pull any advice they may need out of the air. Some include:

"It's okay not to be perfect. Your imperfections are what make you, you. And at the end of the day, people like real people. Flaws and all."

"Be confident, compassionate, intelligent, humble, and generous, because the universe returns to you what you put out."

"There's no freedom like the freedom that comes from accepting yourself"

"Beauty isn't defined by the clothes you wear, or the makeup on your face, but but the way you carry your struggles with smiles, hard work, and love."

To an adult, that's all well and good, but to a kid it doesn't always make a lot of sense.

What adults really need to work on is being more clear.


"Pardon the interruption, but could Lucas Jauregui please come down to the main office?"

Lucas kicked backwards in his chair, sliding out from his desk and rolling his eyes. After an approving glance from Mr. Henderson at the front of the room, he broke through the oohs and ahs from his classmates and started off down the hall. Three hours. Lucas thought to himself, shoving his hands into the pockets of his shorts. Three hours into the first day of school and you're already driving me crazy.

"Lucas, it's nice to see you." A gentle female voice greeted the boy as he approached the office entrance. Looking up, he brushed his hair away from his forehead and smiled at Janice - the longtime secretary for Principal Torres.

"Nice to see you too." He nodded politely, matching her smile. The woman placed down the pen in her hand and brought her glasses down so they hung around her neck.

"So did you have a good summer? Did your family get up to anything especially fun?"

"Not really." Lucas shrugged. "My moms worked a lot, my brother and I went to summer camp for a few weeks, then we went out to visit my aunts in California."

"Ah, the golden state." Janice grinned. "Your aunts must be movie stars."

"Not technically, but they might as well be." Lucas nodded, smiling politely. "They always act like they're on Broadway or something, even though one's just a painter and the other is a kindergarten teacher."

"Oh everyone on the west coast looks like they belong on Broadway." The woman laughed. "Feel free to take a seat, Mr. Torres should be out in just a moment."

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