Chapter 29: The Coast Guard City

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"Given the choice of anyone in the world, who would you want as a dinner guest?"


The following morning, Camila woke at a decent hour, well rested and ready to road trip. After fulfilling her role of the worlds most annoying mother and waking up her sons, she sent them down for a buffet breakfast with the rest of the family and hung back with Lauren to pack up their things. The entire endeavour ended up as more making out than packing, but Camila wasn't about to complain. They got both done in due time.

"Sorry to interrupt your pinned-against-a-locker make-out session, but the test results have been posted and I'm too terrified to check." Sofi barged into the hotel room and set her laptop down on the desk, stepping back and running her fingers through her impossibly long hair. "I'm freaking out."

Camila sighed, lifting herself off Lauren with a quick kiss to the cheek and heading over. "Sofi, you do this all the time. It's going to be fine."

"I second that." Lauren had risen, re-seating herself in the swivel chair and angling the laptop towards her. "When did they come out?"

Sofi chuckled. "When did they come out... now wasn't that the same question I asked the two of you when I was fifteen?"

"Funny." Lauren lifted her chin, looking back at the screen. "Seriously though, have you been sitting on this for a while? You know that just makes it worse."

"Please just check for me." Sofi groaned, backing up and falling against the bed. "I can't stand this, if I don't pass on the first try I need to go through all this shit again and I don't think I have it in me. Do you two have any idea how much studying I've been doing over the past few months? I can't even remember the last time I went on a date."

Camila sat down on the edge of the mattress, laying her hand on her younger sister's shoulder. "Not gonna lie, that's one of the things that made me happiest about this whole bar exam thing."

"Oh shut up." Sofi sat forward, head falling into her hands. "Lauren, please."

"Alright." Lauren clicked around the laptop's trackpad, typing in a few pieces of information before a large blue document popped up on the screen. "Uh oh..."

"What?" Sofi looked up. "What's uh oh? Is it bad? Did I fail? Am I screwed for life?"

"Sofi, no matter what that result says, you're not screwed for life." Camila took her by the arm. "Okay? This is one step up a staircase of thousands."

Lauren turned around in the chair, her hands on her knees and expression somber. "I'm sorry Sofi."

"It's okay." Exhaling, the younger girl got up and shook her head, starting towards the door. Camila felt her heart start to crack, and rose as well in an attempt to comfort her sister. Lauren had a smug look on her face as she leaned back in the chair.

"I'm sorry, but you got a near perfect score."

Camila blinked, turning around to see her wife trying to hold back the laughter as she nodded in affirmation. "What?" She frowned, glancing at the door to see Sofi was in mid-clasp of the handle, her body frozen.

"You killed it Sof." Lauren stood up.

"Are you kidding me?" Sofi turned around, shoulders tense. "Lauren..."

"I'm serious." The Miami native nodded, stepping back so Camila could check the screen as well. She was right, all the numbers were positive. "You passed with flying colours. You're a lawyer Sofia Cabello."

"Oh my god." Sofi appeared at Camila's side, draped over her shoulder to study the screen. "Lauren, you're the worst!"

"What?" Lauren laughed. "You did it! That's amazing!"

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