An Eventful Morning

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This was not the scenario that I had imagined. I would have never thought we would have ended up like this. Him and I. We were just too, too, too DIFFERENT! How did we become what we are today? 

*Rewind to about a couple months ago*

Tomika's POV

Great. Another morning at William B. Travis Prep School. Oh wait I said the name wrong let me try that again. Great! Another morning at the mini hell people call school. Oh well! Not like I have a choice to miss school or not. 

I make it to the front of the school just in time to find my "pit crew" (a.k.a Summer) ready to fix the mess I like to call the "skateboard do" (it's just helmet hair people keep up). "Okay Tomiks, time to see what I am working with." Summer says while fastening her hair kit belt on her waist. 

I take off the helmet thinking I probably did not look too bad and Summer gasps. "Oh boy, this is going to be a while."

"No time we are going to be." She holds up a mirror before I could finish my sentence, and sure enough my hair was all over the place. "Oh boy. Do your stuff!" And that was her cue to work her magic. Which means it is time for the Freddy talk of the day. 

"Tomiks. You and Freddy are pretty close, do you ever talk about girls he likes?" Dang it! The one question I was not prepared to discuss just yet. You see if she had asked the generic questions like, how can I get Freddy to notice me? What is his favorite color? Or if he were to choose between going to a skateboarding event or to my birthday party which would he choose? I could answer them in an instant. But this one. This one is going to be hard not to spill.

About a week ago (A/N: About a week ago, week ago, week ago. Okay I am done hold the rotten tomatoes before you throw them at me), Freddy told me he REALLY likes Summer, but swore me to secrecy. So let's go back to now.

"Uh. No. I think he thinks that it would be weird to tell me because we are so used to talking about skateboards and dirt bikes. NOT feelings and all that gross romantic stuff." I said. Which is not a full on lie. 

"Okay. Now you and Zack. You two have been hanging around each other a lot." She hints and winks at me after finishing my hair. 

"Stop it. I know where you are going with this. Next you are going to ask me if we are secretly dating. I am going to be honest for the last time. WE ARE JUST FRIENDS!!!" I told her and angrily said the last part.

"Geez Tamiks, I was just kidding. You do not have to go all A-wall on me." Summer sighs and starts walking in with me.

"I'm sorry Sum. It is just that I don't see why everyone at school thinks we should be together. Zack is one of my best guy friends. Nothing more and nothing less. Plain and simple." I shrugged and made it to my locker and stuffed all my skateboard gear inside. 

"Because you two are practically made for each other. You both are just too stubborn to realize that there is chemistry between the two of you." Sometimes I question if she remembers that we are both only thirteen. 

"Sum. We are only thirteen. You are making it sound like we are in our late thirties single and bitter. I am fine as I am and I am pretty sure Zach agrees with me." 

"What do I agree with?" Speaking of the devil here comes Zack headed towards both mine and Summer's locker. "I was just telling Tomika that you two are so blind to see that you guys are meant for each other." Summer defends her case.

"Ugh! Not you too. Freddy and Lawrence are on my case about how I should just "man up and own my feelings" about Tomika. For the last time to everyone who thinks we should be a couple. WE ARE JUST FRIENDS!!!!!!" Zack exclaims with crazy hand gestures that almost caused me to lose an eye.

"Thank you for proving my point! Up top." I stick my hand up for a high five and he returned it. Summer rolls her eyes and gave me the "we-are-not-done-talking-about-your-love-life" face. Just as we were done Freddy and Lawrence came over.

"Hey Summer. Love birds." Freddy says. If looks could kill... Mine and Zack's expressions could send the boy fifty feet deep into the Earth right there and then.

Instead of fighting back I banged my head five times on my locker and stuck my head in it to scream. Once my breakdown was over Zack gave me his flask that was ice cold and placed it on my head. The kid is sweet no matter what I say I am glad to have him there.

"We are not a couple. Please move on from this subject. Unless you want me to tell a certain someone your secret Mr. Jones." I looked at Freddy and smirked. He glares at me for a quick second and changes the subject. "Hey do you guys want to check out the new Wormhole movie this Friday?" Freddy asked.

"Okay. As long as there is no sight of new Lawrence!" Lawrence will not let us live that one down will he?

"Alright man. Summer?" Freddy looks at her hopefully. Man those two are so lovesick for each other. It is sweet but disgusting.

"I'll check my schedule but put me down as a yes." She says. I can't believe she played that off so cool. "I'm in if Summer is." I said simply.

"Okay cool. Zack you in or what dude?" Freddy asked and we all turn to Zack. "Um... I might not be able to make it." All our jaws dropped. When did Zack every turned down an offer involving the Wormhole franchise?

"How come?" I asked. 

"My dad is debating whether or not to have the Kwon(A/N: I think that was the last name his dad said in the show) family reunion this Friday." Zack says. Then his eyes grew large that it looked like his eyes were going to pop out of there sockets.

"And they want to meet my girlfriend!!" He looks at Summer. "Summer... I need you to come out of retirement (of being his fake girlfriend mind you) to help me in this situation."

"I wish I could. But the last time I met your dad I almost broke down in tears." Summer said. Mr. Kwon can't be that bad... Could he? 

"That's cool. Tomika..." Zack starts. Oh no here it comes. The question that could make or break this special bond him and I have.

"Do you mind being my fake girlfriend?"

Hey guys! This is my very first School Of Rock Fanfic. So if you guys have any suggestions for a chapter idea do not be afraid to post them in the comments down below or feel free to DM them to me. Love you!!

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