New Guy + Jealous Zack = A Confirmation?

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Zack's POV

Did I just say maybe? Who in the world says maybe when it comes to that question? What kind of idiot says that? Don't answer that. I hope I did not make this worst.

Tomika's POV

ARGH!!!!!!!! This boy is so... URGH!! But I shouldn't blame him. I did just spring the question out of the blue. So, in a way it is partially my fault. (I know me giving up so quickly shocking -_-).

All of a sudden Principal Mullins comes into the hallway and walks up to me with a new kid. And I will say he is kind of cute. Although, Zack is way cuter... I-I-Ignore that. Just ignore that. No need to roast me whatsoever because I know what I just said and I do not need you, the mysterious audience that can hear my inner thoughts, teasing me about my new found crush on Zack. 

"Students this is Josh Mitchell and he just moved to William B. Travis Prep School. It seems that he is in Ms. Rydell's class, but I cannot spend my time walking around the lunch area looking for a student from the class to show him around, so Tomika can you please do it?" Principal Mullins ask.

"You see Principal Mullins I..."

"Great. You will show him around, and you may bring Zack with you if you would like. If I run into Mr. Finn I will tell him that you two are running an errand for me. If not then just tell him that I sent you two off to do something for me." Principal Mullins explains before running off to do who knows what. 

"Does she do that often?" I turn my attention to the new guy. As I said before he was kind of cute. He has brown eyes, short blonde hair, light skin, and is a little shorter than Zack. "Pretty much. I never formally introduced myself. My name is Tomika and do not expect me to be this proper all the time. And my friend over here," I say as I point towards Zack (who looks a little pissed off if you ask me) "is Zack and we are in the same class together. Well Zack and I are in the same class, just not in Ms. Rydell's class, and I am just confusing myself so why don't we just show you where your class is?" 

Silently we all walk towards Ms. Rydell's class which is on  the other side of the school. Although I feel like someone's hand is hovering over mine.

Zack's POV

I do not know what is coming over me, but I do not like it. Scratch that. Not only do I not like it, I do not like the new guy. He is just giving me a bad vibe but to be nice and allowing the guy to settle in at a new school I decided to keep my mouth shut.

That is... Until I saw him try to hold Tomika's hand. He was only 3 millimeters away from reaching for her hand, luckily she turned her head towards him and he swept his hand away.

Josh better watch it because if he messes with my... Wait a minute why am I jealous? Tomika and I are not even a couple. Or we might be. I DON'T KNOW!! Point is: I do not like Josh at all. And I just want to drop him off to his class so we can be done with him.

Luckily, we finally made it to his class. We (and by we I really mean just Tomika) said goodbye to him and were about to leave until...

"Hey Tomika. Do you, maybe, want to go out sometime?"

AH HELL NO!! (A/N: You go Zack fight for your girl. Sorry inner fan girl wanted to come out)

Tomika's POV

I'm sorry. Did I hear correctly? A guy I just met wants to go on a date with me? I mean I am flattered, but considering the circumstances with Zack I cannot just go out with Josh.

However, I am not even sure if Zack and I are a couple or not a couple, so it might be okay with going out with Josh. No Tomika. You like Zack more than you like this new guy who just showed up out of mid-air. For once I am glad my conscience is there for me. I guess I have to tell this guy that I cannot go on a date with him. 

"Sorry Josh. You seem like a nice guy but I can't go out with you." That is when his whole demeanor changed. His smile that he was previously wearing changed into a frown. 

"Why not? I'm hot, you're decent, we would be perfect together." Where the hell did this jerk side of him come from? Like what even is this?

Zack's POV

Did he just call Tomika decent? Tomika is the most beautiful girl in the world. On top of that she is funny, smart, talented, confident and so much more. Unlike this piece of trash that is sounding like a complete a**hole. That is it. I had it up to here with this guy. 

I stepped in between Tomika and Josh, and looked straight into Josh's eyes and said, "She is my girlfriend so lay off. If I see you flirting or harassing her at anytime I promise you I will not be the only person you are answering to."

Josh looks at me like he was ready to fight, but I guess he decided that it would be best for him to just go into his class. I turn around to talk to Tomika and all I see are tears coming down her eyes. Did I do that? Please tell me I did not make her cry.

Tomika's POV

No wonder why I can't get a boyfriend? Sure I didn't care in the beginning, but I always secretly wanted someone to like me. Oh great now I am sounding like Summer and I feel the tears dropping out of my eyes onto my face and falling on the ground. To make matters worst is all Zack is doing is staring at me. 

He probably thinks I am weak. Great. I just lost my tough girl image with Zack and he is probably re-thinking his feelings for me. I wish I could just die in a hole. How did my life get so complicated? I am only thirteen! 

Next thing I know I am pulled into a hug by Zack. I just start crying more and more into his chest. I oddly feel at home in his arms, and I really like that this feeling is with Zack.

"Please stop crying. I hate seeing you like this. You do not deserve to cry. If it is because of me I am so sorry. But if it is from what that jerk said don't listen to him. You are not just decent. You are the most beautiful girl I have met. Not only are you beautiful outside, but inside too. You are funny, smart, confident, talented and so much more. Tomika when I said you were my girlfriend I really want it to come true. So..." Zack pulls apart slightly tilts my head up to look at him. 

"Will you please be my girlfriend?" I could not speak considering I just heard the nicest thing said about me. All I did was nod my head and give him a tighter hug. Zack is now my boyfriend, and I am thankful lunch did not end yet because I just want this moment to be our's. 

Hey lovelies!!! Hold your fire let me explain myself before you throw tomatoes at me or worst throw me in Mr. Finn's car. I have had so much go on in my life. These past few months have been stressful. March and April were basically hectic because of the clubs I have joined and the schedules of events were clashing with each other. But May is the worst month to catch me at. I took a AP Econ exam last week Wednesday and Friday. On top of that I had a choir concert and another thing to top that is I had to study for my final exams plus I have confirmation to prepare for. Not fun but now that my summer is starting I can upload more. I know that we have all been waiting for this part... If anyone has any suggestions comment down below or DM me and I will try to my best ability add them into my story. I will give credit to those who pitch ideas to me. I love you guys. Bye my lovelies. (P.S: 4.9 thousand reads?! That is so crazy. Thanks you guys so much! I never thought that this could happen. I have a special chapter on the way for celebration and it is going to come very very soon. And I am going to stop here because this A/N is too long. Bye!!)

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