Awkward Moments Part 2

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Zack's POV

What did I just do? Did I just kiss Tomika? Better question is. Why am I not appalled by it? I actually enjoyed the kiss and I think I felt something. WOAH WAIT WHAT?!

Tomika and I are not a real couple! I should not feel this way unless I actually liked Tomika. Which does not make one bit of sense because her and I have a brother-sister relationship...

Or at least that is how it was. Before the you-know-what happened and now I have no clue of how I feel about Tomika. I mean who can resist her kind personality, her edgy vibe, her mean skateboard skills, her beauty, her smile, her amazing musical talents, the way her hair flows in the wind while she is on her skateboard...

Okay now I sound like Summer talking about Freddy. But one thing I need to know how to do is this:

How do I make my feet walk to go talk to Tomika?

Tomika's POV

What did I just do? Why did I kiss him back? Why am I not grossed out by it? Do I like Zack? Oh wait here is an even better question. WHY AM I NOT MOVING TO TALK TO THIS BOY?

Grrr! I think my body is on lockdown mode. I need to sit, oh wait I can't do that because I AM FROZEN LIKE A FUDGING STATUE! But who can honestly blame me for being like this. On the other side of Zack's bedroom. Frozen. 

Yeah. That's normal right... Oh who am I kidding? This is anything but normal. Awkward? Yes. Ridiculous? Heck to the yes. But normal? Normal does not exist in this situation that I am in right now. In fact if you were to pull up a picture for abnormal this situation would be the first thing to pop up.

*Phew* Glad I got that out. Well, mentally. The only thing I am confused about is why did I kiss him back? Sure, I care about the goofball but that is because we have a brother-sister type relationship... At least that is how it was. Before THIS happened and now I am just so confused. 

During the kiss I felt something that I know I shouldn't but I did. That something sort of opened my eyes to see a guy that is sweet, caring, funny, a talented guitar player, understanding, smart, has an amazing smile, and...

Woah! I might be getting myself way too far into the scenario. I am starting to sound like Summer talking about Freddy. But enough about that mushy romance stuff because I still need to do one thing...

Learn how to operate my feet to walk over to Zack and talk this through. 

Zack's POV

Okay, I just taught my feet to walk over to Tomika so we can talk about this rationally. 

*Inside Zack's brain (A/N: Yes this is happening right now don't judge me. I have a interesting mind going on)*

The commander of the overall action of Zack's body starts to shout,"Okay men just like we talked about. Left, right, left, right, swerve around the guitar. Okay looking good. Oh no, feet refusing to continue the journey. They are starting to make a U-Turn. Time to bring out the big guns. TURN ON THE CLUMSY ACT." The clumsy act chief pushes a big red button making Zack turn around trip on his own foot. Although catching himself before any harm is done to him or Tomika.

"Mission completed. Now it is time for Zack to talk to Tomika. Hopefully the guy doesn't plan on chickening out or panic about looking like a fool."

*Back to reality (Still Zack's POV)*

Great! Now I made myself look like a fool in front of my sort-of-not-really-sure crush (A/N: Yes ladies and gentlemen the boy said crush). Now she is going to look at me like I am a stupid clutzy idiot who cannot even walk properly. 

"Zack, are you okay?" Tomika looks at me with a concern expression on her face. Or maybe I am confusing it with a look of wonderment. 

"I'm fine. Can we talk?" I ask hoping to make the awkwardness go down.

"Sure." We sort of just looked at each other for five minutes unsure of what to say. Yep, the problem keeps getting more awkward. I guess I'll make the first move into the pool of awkwardness. And I think I made it worst because what came out of my mouth sure was not the question that I wanted to ask.

"Did you feel anything when we kissed?" And she just stood there. Frozen.

What could she be thinking about?

Tomika's POV

Do I tell him the truth and risk our friendship? Or do I lie to him and crush whatever feelings he has for me ruining our friendship?

Hi lovelies! HOLD THE ROTTEN TOMATOES!!! I can explain why I have not been very active with this story. It is because I have this thing called MIDTERMS coming up and having an AP class as a sophomore in high school is not the best thing for relaxation time. Believe me if I could I would much rather update, but alas I must study because if not I would be grounded and no more updating. Anyways on a happier note :). Comment down below any ideas you have or DM no idea is a bad one and I will give credit to anyone who gives out ideas.

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