What did I get myself into?

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Tomika's POV

Did that really come out of my mouth? More importantly: why is everyone staring at me? "You? Are HIS girlfriend?" Ashton asked me. I swear to the almighty Father, Ashton is slower than a turtle.

"Yes I am and I am proud of it." I give Zack a kiss on his cheek. Woah wait back it up now!! What did I just do? Tomika what are you doing?!

"Well little bro I think you might just be the ladies man of our family." Ashton compliments Zack and all Zack did was "smile" and put his arm around my shoulder. "I am not a ladies man. I am simply a lucky guy to be labeled as either a past boyfriend by Summer and a present boyfriend by Tomika." He smiles and looks at me. But I could tell that he is mouthing the words "thank you" to me. 

"Nice little bro. That makes me not want to punch you. Let's go guys." Ashton and his little group left and Zack took his arm off me.

"Thank you Tomiks! I owe you BIG time!" Zack exclaims.

"No problem dude." I simply say and continue to eat my salad. I would have taken something with meat in it, but the school meat sort of scares me. 

"Tomiks. Can I talk with you for just a second?" Summer hints to me that it is girl chat time. So I nod my head politely and walked with her to our lockers. What? It is girl chat time not "girl chat" girl chat time (a.k.a we don't go to the bathrooms to talk).

"Okay, first off when did Zack started calling you Tomiks? Second of all, what was that little scene back there?" Summer interrogates me. Geez, maybe she should just become a detective or something.

"For the first part today. Second part, I DON'T KNOW...." Cue the part where I start to have a freak out session in the middle of the hall for a good five minutes. Finally, I stop once I realized that I still need to eat and I have now only ten minutes to do so.

"Okay, now that's out of my system. Can we go back to eat?" I practically was on my knees.

"Fine. But this is not over yet." Summer and I go back to the tables to the guys in a group huddle.

"Uh... Hey guys." I say startling them. They break out of the huddle and we all sat down in silence. I have two thoughts on my mind. One: what were they talking about? Two: what did I get myself into?

Zack's POV *Let's back it up to the time where Tomika and Summer left the table to have a girl chat moment*

Once Tomika and Summer left Freddy gathered Lawrence and I into a group huddle. A bro meeting if you want to go with technical terms.

"Okay man. Spill. What is up with you and Tomika?" Freddy just decides to go straight to the point doesn't he.

"Nothing! Tomiks just agreed to be my girlfriend on the spot. That is it. That is ALL that is happening between her and I." I justified my case and right when I was about to drop the mic (not really) Lawrence had to point one thing out.

"Dude. Back it up. Tomiks? I thought that was Summer's thing?" Shoot! I forgot about that minor detail. Why oh why did I open my big mouth? "I just wanted to try something new." Really? Was that all I could come up with? -_-

"Trying something new with Tomika is like asking for your deathbed early." Freddy also pointed out. When did this become a courtroom? A matter of fact, when did these two became so interested in my love life? If I can even call this that.

"Okay. Since when did my love life become your new soap opera?"

"Since now. It is fun watching people we know try to hide their feelings." Freddy laughs. "Yeah, like your's for Summer." Lawrence laughs. May I add: laughs alone. Freddy looks at him with a sense of... panic in his eyes. 

"Oh, so does Mr. Jones here have some feelings for Summer?" I smirked and smoothly changed the subject.

"Don't try to change the subject on me Zack."

"Why not? You told me to "man up" to my feelings for Tomika. So I am going to tell you the same words. Man up to your feelings for Summer." I fight back with my counterclaim. And I think I found a winner because all that "Mr. Smooth" could do was stutter like a lovesick puppy.

"W-well, t-that is d-d-different than y-y-y-your situation." He tries to fight back.

"How so?" Man where did this side of me come from? I guess I inherit that from my father to speak out against people.

"Well, you see, I. Uh. I..." The thought would have been complete if...

"Uh... Hey guys." Tomika had not shock the living daylights out of us. We were all startled and broke out of our little "huddle" and we continued to eat in silence. Two thoughts came to mind. What were the girls talking about? And...

What did I get myself into?

Hey lovelies! Thought I would release this chapter a little early. Thank you so much to the readers of this book. Seriously, you guys ROCK. Pun not intended. Anyways, like always if you have any ideas do not be afraid to put them down below in the comments or better yet DM them to me. NO IDEAS ARE BAD IDEAS! Unless it involves severe violence than I sort of have to put my foot down. Other than that feel free to share your ideas and I will give you credit. Bye lovelies! 

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