A new couple, a new awkward two, and a flying shoe?

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Hello lovelies! Sorry for such a late timing, but MERRY CHRISTMAS! Or belated Christmas depending on the time zone area. I hope you all have had a fantastic Christmas, and I wanted to give a gift to you all. It seems you guys like the Seddy bonus chapter and I thought I would give you a sort of Seddy-Zamika chapter. When you may ask? How about now?

Tomika's POV

It is the next day at school and things could not have been more awkward during lunch. I mean Zack and I are on good terms because right when everyone left the recording studio Zack and I had a moment to our self. Before you ask it was just a little kiss not what you were thinking. However, when we are with the others it just seems as though we hate each other because of the constant silence. 

But honestly who could blame us? We don't even know if we are you know. In item. I mean I am down for that idea. Woah wait what? I CANNOT like Zack like that...

Ah screw it! I knew it would happen eventually and I cannot fight this. Before it was just to do the guy a favor but now I want it to be real.

I look up from my salad and looked at the said guy who is across from me listening to Lawrence go on about the new Wormhole movie. Unfortunately with my luck he thought the same idea to look up. Our eyes met for a split second and then we continued with lunch. That was until Freddy and Summer finally got to the table.

Zack's POV

Man, I just want to talk to Tomika like normal. Not with the tension between us. I want our old conversations back without the awkwardness. Okay, I might be making things seem a little more dramatic than it actually is... But it gets my point across.

When our eyes met I wanted to do nothing more than to apologize for making everything awkward. But that would just leave me with a slap mark (because Tomika would slap me for mentioning anything to Lawrence, a.k.a the boy who cannot keep a secret to save his life) and having to explain to Lawrence. Ugh... what a predicament?!

Then Summer and Freddy came to the table a little too, what's the word? Cheerful. What happened on their date? *Gasp* Freddy must have... No he couldn't have... But it is possible... But then again... 

I should probably stop doing that and listen to what Summer has to say to the group.

"So..." Summer starts off smiling which means...

Tomika's POV

Summer is smiling. More than necessary. What could have happened to make her so... *Gasp* Freddy must have... No he couldn't have... But it is possible... But then again... (A/N: See what I did there like they always say great minds think alike ;))

I didn't have time to process all of my thoughts because Summer was about to make an announcement.

 "So..." Summer starts off smiling which could only be the result of one thing and one thing only...

Lawrence's POV (One of the few rare ones I will put into this story)

Finally, I get to enjoy my pudding that no rat swam in. I mean it is no upgrade to how cafeteria pudding taste like; however, it is the safest thing to eat after that fiasco the last time. But I look up and see Summer has an announcement.

"So..." Summer starts off. Man! I was just about to enjoy my pudding!!!!!!! (A/N: Should I add more Lawrence or is the story fine as it is?)

Freddy's POV

I did it! I did the one thing I wanted to do and I did! Now I just need to wait for Summer to announce it. I would do it but announcements and such are her thing, and I respect that. *Sigh* I am now officially the happiest guy in school!

"So..." Summer starts off.  I cannot believe this is bound to happen! (Sound like someone we know? *Cough* Summer *Cough*).

Summer's POV

 "So, Freddy and I are now boyfriend and girlfriend." I cannot believe those words left my mouth, but another thing I could not believe happened. And I will tell you this: a lot of strange things have happened at this school. By far this might be one of the strangest things I have seen.

So, call me crazy but I think I see a, a, a flying shoe coming towards us. Of all things to be seen flying at a prep school, a flying shoe should not be one of them. And it was about to hit Tomika in the head when suddenly...

What happened to the shoe? Does someone save her or does she save herself? I honestly have no clue what I did. Anyways... Hi lovelies! Sorry for not updating I had a lot to do but here I am. I know I said winter break is when I would have been updating but I had writer's block. That is why... I encourage everyone to comment down below or DM any ideas you have for the story. I will take every single one into consideration and find a way to merge it into the story as much as I can. I will give credit to all those who share their thoughts. Lastly, bye and MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!

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